diff --git a/algorithms/_utils_abc.jl b/algorithms/_utils_abc.jl
index 9e4803459e4b167aec9d370e8cf922db854a7745..7ba9c84af4e895dc32b216b47930bea6c0ae6d04 100644
--- a/algorithms/_utils_abc.jl
+++ b/algorithms/_utils_abc.jl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ function _init_abc_automaton!(mat_p_old::Matrix{Float64}, vec_dist::Vector{Float
         draw!(vec_p, pm)
         mat_p_old[:,i] = vec_p
         if l_obs == nothing
-            S = volatile_simulate(pm, vec_p)
+            S = volatile_simulate(pm, vec_p; epsilon = Inf)
             vec_dist[i] = S[sym_var_aut]
             l_sim = [simulate(pm, vec_p) for i = 1:length(l_obs)]
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ function _update_param!(mat_p::Matrix{Float64}, vec_dist::Vector{Float64},
         if l_obs == nothing
-            S = volatile_simulate(pm, vec_p_prime)
+            S = volatile_simulate(pm, vec_p_prime; epsilon = epsilon)
             dist_sim = S[sym_var_aut]
             l_sim = [simulate(pm, vec_p_prime) for i = 1:length(l_obs)]
diff --git a/algorithms/abc_smc.jl b/algorithms/abc_smc.jl
index 0640de6cd660d323644ae9ff63f67f7672506c1d..ee22a2d942f48472c8d70b7bc46c2fd6ba1d447a 100644
--- a/algorithms/abc_smc.jl
+++ b/algorithms/abc_smc.jl
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ function _abc_smc(pm::ParametricModel, nbr_particles::Int, tolerance::Float64, a
     l_nbr_sim = zeros(Int, nbr_particles) 
     while (epsilon > last_epsilon) && (current_time - begin_time <= duration_time) && (nbr_tot_sim <= bound_sim)
         t += 1
+        @show pm.m.automaton.ϵ, epsilon
         begin_time_ite = time()
         @info "Step $t"
         # Set new epsilon
diff --git a/automata/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl b/automata/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1894b97c385313148abb9602d01734f501edd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automata/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+@everywhere import FunctionWrappers: FunctionWrapper
+@everywhere const ABCCheckConstraintsFunction = FunctionWrapper{Bool,Tuple{Float64,Vector{Float64},Vector{Int},Vector{Float64},Float64}}
+@everywhere const ABCUpdateStateFunction = FunctionWrapper{Symbol,Tuple{Float64,Vector{Float64},Vector{Int},Vector{Float64},Float64}}
+@everywhere struct EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton <: Edge
+    transitions::TransitionSet
+    check_constraints::ABCCheckConstraintsFunction
+    update_state!::ABCUpdateStateFunction
+# Creation of the automaton types
+@everywhere mutable struct ABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton <: LHA
+    transitions::Vector{Transition}
+    locations::Vector{Location} 
+    Λ::Dict{Location,InvariantPredicateFunction}
+    locations_init::Vector{Location}
+    locations_final::Vector{Location}
+    map_var_automaton_idx::Dict{VariableAutomaton,Int} # nvar keys : str_var => idx in values
+    flow::Dict{Location,Vector{Float64}} # output of length nvar
+    map_edges::Dict{Location, Dict{Location,Vector{EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton}}}
+    constants::Dict{Symbol,Float64}
+    map_var_model_idx::Dict{VariableModel,Int} # of dim d (of a model)
+    ϵ::Float64
+# A push! method implementend by myself because of preallocation of edge_candidates
+function _push_edge!(edge_candidates::Vector{<:EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton}, 
+                     edge::EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton, nbr_candidates::Int)
+    if nbr_candidates < length(edge_candidates)
+        edge_candidates[nbr_candidates+1] = edge
+    else
+        push!(edge_candidates, edge)
+    end
+function _find_edge_candidates!(edge_candidates::Vector{EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton},
+                                edges_from_current_loc::Dict{Location,Vector{EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton}},
+                                Λ::Dict{Location,InvariantPredicateFunction},
+                                S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64},
+                                x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64,
+                                only_asynchronous::Bool)
+    nbr_candidates = 0
+    for target_loc in keys(edges_from_current_loc)
+        if !Λ[target_loc](x) continue end
+        for edge in edges_from_current_loc[target_loc]
+            if edge.check_constraints(S_time, S_values, x, p, ϵ)
+                if edge.transitions == nothing
+                    _push_edge!(edge_candidates, edge, nbr_candidates)
+                    nbr_candidates += 1
+                    return nbr_candidates
+                else
+                    if !only_asynchronous
+                        _push_edge!(edge_candidates, edge, nbr_candidates)
+                        nbr_candidates += 1
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return nbr_candidates
+function _get_edge_index(edge_candidates::Vector{EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton}, nbr_candidates::Int,
+                         detected_event::Bool, tr_nplus1::Transition)
+    ind_edge = 0
+    bool_event = detected_event
+    for i = 1:nbr_candidates
+        edge = edge_candidates[i]
+        # Asynchronous edge detection: we fire it
+        if edge.transitions == nothing
+            return (i, detected_event)
+        end
+        # Synchronous detection
+        if !detected_event && tr_nplus1 != nothing
+            if (edge.transitions[1] == :ALL) || (tr_nplus1 in edge.transitions)
+                ind_edge = i
+                bool_event = true
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return (ind_edge, bool_event)
+function next_state!(A::ABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton,
+                     ptr_loc_state::Vector{Symbol}, values_state::Vector{Float64}, ptr_time_state::Vector{Float64},
+                     xnplus1::Vector{Int}, tnplus1::Float64, tr_nplus1::Transition, 
+                     xn::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64},
+                     edge_candidates::Vector{EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton}; verbose::Bool = false)
+    # En fait d'apres observation de Cosmos, après qu'on ait lu la transition on devrait stop.
+    detected_event::Bool = false
+    turns = 0
+    Λ = getfield(A, :Λ)
+    flow = getfield(A, :flow)
+    map_edges = getfield(A, :map_edges)
+    ϵ = A.ϵ
+    if verbose 
+        println("##### Begin next_state!")
+        @show xnplus1, tnplus1, tr_nplus1
+    end
+    # First, we check the asynchronous transitions
+    while true
+        turns += 1
+        #edge_candidates = empty!(edge_candidates) 
+        edges_from_current_loc = map_edges[ptr_loc_state[1]]
+        # Save all edges that satisfies transition predicate (asynchronous ones)
+        nbr_candidates = _find_edge_candidates!(edge_candidates, edges_from_current_loc, Λ, 
+                                                ptr_time_state[1], values_state, xn, p, ϵ, true)
+        # Search the one we must chose, here the event is nothing because 
+        # we're not processing yet the next event
+        ind_edge, detected_event = _get_edge_index(edge_candidates, nbr_candidates, detected_event, nothing)
+        # Update the state with the chosen one (if it exists)
+        # Should be xn here
+        #first_round = false
+        if ind_edge > 0
+            firing_edge = edge_candidates[ind_edge]
+            ptr_loc_state[1] = firing_edge.update_state!(ptr_time_state[1], values_state, xn, p, ϵ)
+        else
+            if verbose println("No edge fired") end
+            break 
+        end
+        if verbose
+            @show turns
+            @show edge_candidates
+            @show ind_edge, detected_event, nbr_candidates
+            @show ptr_loc_state[1]
+            @show ptr_time_state[1]
+            @show values_state
+            if turns == 500
+                @warn "We've reached 500 turns"
+            end
+        end
+        # For debug
+        #=
+        if turns > 100
+        println("Number of turns in next_state! is suspicious")
+        @show first_round, detected_event
+        @show length(edge_candidates)
+        )@show tnplus1, tr_nplus1, xnplus1
+        @show edge_candidates
+        error("Unpredicted behavior automaton")
+        end
+        =#
+    end
+    if verbose 
+        println("Time flies with the flow...")
+    end
+    # Now time flies according to the flow
+    for i in eachindex(values_state)
+        coeff_deriv = flow[ptr_loc_state[1]][i]
+        if coeff_deriv > 0
+            values_state[i] += coeff_deriv*(tnplus1 - ptr_time_state[1])
+        end
+    end
+    ptr_time_state[1] = tnplus1
+    if verbose 
+        @show ptr_loc_state[1]
+        @show ptr_time_state[1]
+        @show values_state
+    end
+    # Now firing an edge according to the event 
+    while true
+        turns += 1
+        edges_from_current_loc = map_edges[ptr_loc_state[1]]
+        # Save all edges that satisfies transition predicate (synchronous ones)
+        nbr_candidates = _find_edge_candidates!(edge_candidates, edges_from_current_loc, Λ, 
+                                                ptr_time_state[1], values_state, xnplus1, p, ϵ, false)
+        # Search the one we must chose
+        ind_edge, detected_event = _get_edge_index(edge_candidates, nbr_candidates, detected_event, tr_nplus1)
+        # Update the state with the chosen one (if it exists)
+        if ind_edge > 0
+            firing_edge = edge_candidates[ind_edge]
+            ptr_loc_state[1] = firing_edge.update_state!(ptr_time_state[1], values_state, xnplus1, p, ϵ)
+        end
+        if ind_edge == 0 || detected_event
+            if verbose 
+                if detected_event    
+                    println("Synchronized with $(tr_nplus1)") 
+                    @show turns
+                    @show edge_candidates
+                    @show ind_edge, detected_event, nbr_candidates
+                    @show detected_event
+                    @show ptr_loc_state[1]
+                    @show ptr_time_state[1]
+                    @show values_state
+                else
+                    println("No edge fired")
+                end
+            end
+            break 
+        end
+        if verbose
+            @show turns
+            @show edge_candidates
+            @show ind_edge, detected_event, nbr_candidates
+            @show detected_event
+            @show ptr_loc_state[1]
+            @show ptr_time_state[1]
+            @show values_state
+            if turns == 500
+                @warn "We've reached 500 turns"
+            end
+        end
+        # For debug
+        #=
+        if turns > 100
+        println("Number of turns in next_state! is suspicious")
+        @show detected_event
+        @show length(edge_candidates)
+        @show tnplus1, tr_nplus1, xnplus1
+        @show edge_candidates
+        error("Unpredicted behavior automaton")
+        end
+        =#
+    end
+    if verbose 
+        println("##### End next_state!") 
+    end
+function create_abc_euclidean_distance_automaton(m::ContinuousTimeModel, timeline::AbstractVector{Float64}, observations::AbstractVector{Float64}, sym_obs::VariableModel)
+    # Requirements for the automaton
+    @assert sym_obs in m.g "$(sym_obs) is not observed."
+    @assert length(timeline) == length(observations) "Timeline and observations vectors don't have the same length"
+    nbr_observations = length(observations)
+    # Automaton types and functions
+    model_name = Symbol(typeof(m))
+    lha_name = :ABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton
+    edge_type = :EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton
+    check_constraints = Symbol("check_constraints_$(lha_name)")
+    update_state! = Symbol("update_state_$(lha_name)!")
+    # Locations
+    locations = [:l0, :l1, :l2]
+    ## Invariant predicates
+    @everywhere true_inv_predicate(x::Vector{Int}) = true 
+    Λ_F = Dict{Location,InvariantPredicateFunction}(:l0 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate), :l1 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate),
+                                                    :l2 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate))
+    ## Init and final loc
+    locations_init = [:l0]
+    locations_final = [:l2]
+    map_var_automaton_idx = Dict{VariableAutomaton,Int}(:t => 1, :n => 2, 
+                                                        :d => 3, :idx => 4)
+    vector_flow = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+    flow = Dict{Location,Vector{Float64}}(:l0 => vector_flow, 
+                                          :l1 => vector_flow, 
+                                          :l2 => vector_flow)
+    ## Edges
+    idx_obs_var = m.map_var_idx[sym_obs]
+    to_idx(var::Symbol) = map_var_automaton_idx[var]
+    id = MarkovProcesses.newid()
+    function check_constraints(from_loc::Location, to_loc::Location, edge_number::Int)
+        return Symbol("check_constraints_$(edge_type)_$(from_loc)$(to_loc)_$(edge_number)_$(model_name)_$(id)")
+    end
+    function update_state!(from_loc::Location, to_loc::Location, edge_number::Int)
+        return Symbol("update_state_$(edge_type)_$(from_loc)$(to_loc)_$(edge_number)_$(model_name)_$(id)!")
+    end
+    ## check_constraints & update_state!
+    meta_funcs = quote
+        # l0 loc
+        # l0 => l1
+        #struct $(edge_name(:l0, :l1, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
+        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l0, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = true
+        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l0, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] = x[$(idx_obs_var)];
+         S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = 0.0;
+         S_values[$(to_idx(:idx))] = 1.0;
+         :l1)
+        # l1 loc
+        # l1 => l1
+        # Defined below 
+        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l1, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
+        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) =
+        (tml = $(Tuple(timeline));
+         tml_idx = tml[convert(Int, S_values[$(to_idx(:idx))])];
+         S_values[$(to_idx(:t))] >= tml_idx)
+        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) =
+        (y_obs = $(Tuple(observations));
+         y_obs_idx = y_obs[convert(Int, S_values[$(to_idx(:idx))])];
+         S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] += (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))]-y_obs_idx)^2;
+         S_values[$(to_idx(:idx))] += 1.0;
+         :l1)
+        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l1, 2)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
+        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l1, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = true 
+        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l1, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] = x[$(idx_obs_var)];
+         :l1)
+        # l1 => l2
+        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l2, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
+        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        S_values[$(to_idx(:idx))] >= ($nbr_observations + 1)
+        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        (S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = sqrt(S_values[$(to_idx(:d))]);
+         :l2)
+        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        (S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] > ϵ^2)
+        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}, ϵ::Float64) = 
+        (S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = Inf;
+         :l2)
+    end
+    eval(meta_funcs)
+    @eval begin
+        map_edges = Dict{Location,Dict{Location,Vector{$(edge_type)}}}()
+        for loc in $(locations)
+            map_edges[loc] = Dict{Location,Vector{$(edge_type)}}()
+        end
+        ## Edges
+        # l0 loc
+        # l0 => l1
+        edge1 = EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l0, :l1, 1)), $(update_state!(:l0, :l1, 1)))
+        map_edges[:l0][:l1] = [edge1]
+        # l1 loc
+        # l1 => l1
+        edge1 = EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l1, 1)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l1, 1)))
+        edge2 = EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton([:ALL], $(check_constraints(:l1, :l1, 2)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l1, 2)))
+        map_edges[:l1][:l1] = [edge1, edge2]
+        # l1 => l2
+        edge1 = EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 1)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 1)))
+        edge2 = EdgeABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 2)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 2)))
+        map_edges[:l1][:l2] = [edge1,edge2]
+    end
+    ## Constants
+    constants = Dict{Symbol,Float64}(:nbr_obs => nbr_observations)
+    for i = 1:nbr_observations
+        constants[Symbol("tml_$(convert(Float64, i))")] = timeline[i]
+        constants[Symbol("y_$(convert(Float64, i))")] = observations[i]
+    end
+    # Updating types and simulation methods
+    @everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_synchronized_model_type_def(model_name, lha_name))
+    @everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name, lha_name, edge_type, m.f!, m.isabsorbing))
+    A = ABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton(m.transitions, locations, Λ_F, locations_init, locations_final, 
+                                      map_var_automaton_idx, flow, map_edges, constants, m.map_var_idx, Inf)
+    return A
diff --git a/core/MarkovProcesses.jl b/core/MarkovProcesses.jl
index e9f285cf83b2695d64eee87d2231d4b64665db79..9a17dd2f80af7538a4cd538fc943830815167080 100644
--- a/core/MarkovProcesses.jl
+++ b/core/MarkovProcesses.jl
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import Distributed: @everywhere, @distributed
 import Distributions: Product, Uniform, Normal
 import Distributions: Distribution, Univariate, Continuous, UnivariateDistribution, 
                       MultivariateDistribution, product_distribution
+import Distributions: insupport, pdf
 import FunctionWrappers: FunctionWrapper
+import Random: rand, rand!
 import StaticArrays: SVector, @SVector
 ## Exports
diff --git a/core/model.jl b/core/model.jl
index ef32b376a21b8addc241cab52d2ac0af2c7124f4..92e556af61878fd042d87f6141e6d4c4672a94c5 100644
--- a/core/model.jl
+++ b/core/model.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-import Random: rand, rand!
-import Distributions: insupport, pdf
 function _resize_trajectory!(values::Vector{Vector{Int}}, times::Vector{Float64}, 
                              transitions::Vector{Transition}, size::Int)
     for i = eachindex(values) resize!((values[i]), size) end
@@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ function generate_code_simulation(model_name::Symbol, f!::Symbol, isabsorbing::S
                 return Trajectory(m, values, times, transitions)
-            # Alloc of vectors where we stock n+1 values
+            # Alloc of vectors where we store n+1 values
             vec_x = zeros(Int, getfield(m, :dim_state))
             l_t = Float64[0.0]
             l_tr = Transition[nothing]
@@ -74,10 +71,12 @@ function generate_code_simulation(model_name::Symbol, f!::Symbol, isabsorbing::S
             for i = 2:estim_min_states
                 $(f!)(vec_x, l_t, l_tr, xn, tn, p_sim)
                 tn = l_t[1]
-                if tn > time_bound || vec_x == xn
-                    isabsorbing = (vec_x == xn)
+                isabsorbing = vec_x == xn
+                #isabsorbing = $(isabsorbing)(p_sim,xn)
+                if isabsorbing || tn > time_bound
+                # n+1 values are now n values
                 n += 1
                 copyto!(xn, vec_x)
                 MarkovProcesses._update_values!(full_values, times, transitions, xn, tn, l_tr[1], i)
@@ -101,15 +100,13 @@ function generate_code_simulation(model_name::Symbol, f!::Symbol, isabsorbing::S
                     i += 1
                     $(f!)(vec_x, l_t, l_tr, xn, tn, p_sim)
                     tn = l_t[1]
-                    if tn > time_bound 
-                        i -= 1
-                        break
-                    end
-                    if vec_x == xn
-                        isabsorbing = true
+                    isabsorbing = vec_x == xn
+                    #isabsorbing = $(isabsorbing)(p_sim,xn)
+                    if isabsorbing || tn > time_bound
                         i -= 1
+                    # n+1 values are now n values
                     copyto!(xn, vec_x)
                     MarkovProcesses._update_values!(full_values, times, transitions, 
                                     xn, tn, l_tr[1], estim_min_states+size_tmp+i)
@@ -189,19 +186,19 @@ function generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name::Symbol, lha_name::Sym
             # First we fill the allocated array
             for i = 2:estim_min_states
                 $(f!)(vec_x, l_t, l_tr, xn, tn, p_sim)
-                if l_t[1] > time_bound || vec_x == xn
-                    tn = l_t[1]
-                    isabsorbing = (vec_x == xn)
+                tn = l_t[1]
+                isabsorbing = vec_x == xn
+                if isabsorbing || tn > time_bound
-                n += 1
                 next_state!(A, ptr_loc_state, values_state, ptr_time_state, vec_x, l_t[1], l_tr[1], xn, p_sim, edge_candidates; verbose = verbose)
+                # n+1 values are now n values
+                n += 1
                 copyto!(xn, vec_x)
-                tn = l_t[1]
                 tr_n = l_tr[1]
                 MarkovProcesses._update_values!(full_values, times, transitions, xn, tn, tr_n, i)
                 isacceptedLHA = isaccepted(ptr_loc_state[1], A)
-                if isabsorbing || isacceptedLHA 
+                if isacceptedLHA 
@@ -229,24 +226,20 @@ function generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name::Symbol, lha_name::Sym
                 while i < buffer_size
                     i += 1
                     $(f!)(vec_x, l_t, l_tr, xn, tn, p_sim)
-                    if l_t[1] > time_bound
-                        tn = l_t[1]
-                        i -= 1
-                        break
-                    end
-                    if vec_x == xn
-                        isabsorbing = true
+                    tn = l_t[1]
+                    isabsorbing = vec_x == xn
+                    if isabsorbing || tn > time_bound
                         i -= 1
                     next_state!(A, ptr_loc_state, values_state, ptr_time_state, vec_x, l_t[1], l_tr[1], xn, p_sim, edge_candidates; verbose = verbose)
+                    # n+1 values are now n values
                     copyto!(xn, vec_x)
-                    tn = l_t[1]
                     tr_n = l_tr[1]
                     MarkovProcesses._update_values!(full_values, times, transitions, 
                                                     xn, tn, tr_n, estim_min_states+size_tmp+i)
                     isacceptedLHA = isaccepted(ptr_loc_state[1], A)
-                    if isabsorbing || isacceptedLHA
+                    if isacceptedLHA
@@ -259,7 +252,7 @@ function generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name::Symbol, lha_name::Sym
             values = full_values[getfield(m, :_g_idx)]
             if isbounded(m) && !isaccepted(ptr_loc_state[1], A)
-                # Add last value: the convention is the last transition is nothing,
+                # Add last value: the convention is that if the last transition is nothing,
                 # the trajectory is bounded
                 MarkovProcesses._finish_bounded_trajectory!(values, times, transitions, time_bound)
@@ -272,7 +265,9 @@ function generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name::Symbol, lha_name::Sym
             return SynchronizedTrajectory(S, product, values, times, transitions)
-        function volatile_simulate(m::$(model_name), A::$(lha_name), p_sim::AbstractVector{Float64}, verbose::Bool)
+        function volatile_simulate(m::$(model_name), A::$(lha_name), p_sim::AbstractVector{Float64}, 
+                                   epsilon::Float64, verbose::Bool)
+            if $(Meta.quot(lha_name)) == :ABCEuclideanDistanceAutomaton A.ϵ = epsilon end
             x0 = getfield(m, :x0)
             t0 = getfield(m, :t0)
             time_bound = getfield(m, :time_bound)
@@ -309,12 +304,13 @@ function generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name::Symbol, lha_name::Sym
                     tn = l_t[1]
-                if vec_x == xn
-                    isabsorbing = true
+                isabsorbing = vec_x == xn
+                if isabsorbing
                 next_state!(A, ptr_loc_state, values_state, ptr_time_state, 
                             vec_x, l_t[1], l_tr[1], xn, p_sim, edge_candidates; verbose = verbose)
+                # n+1 values are now n values
                 copyto!(xn, vec_x)
                 tn = l_t[1]
                 tr_n = l_tr[1]
@@ -340,14 +336,14 @@ in order to improve performance.
 It returns the last state of the simulation `S::StateLHA` not a trajectory `σ::SynchronizedTrajectory`.
 function volatile_simulate(product::SynchronizedModel; 
-    p::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{Float64}} = nothing, verbose::Bool = false)
+                           p::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{Float64}} = nothing, epsilon::Float64 = 0.0, verbose::Bool = false)
     m = product.m
     A = product.automaton
     p_sim = getfield(m, :p)
     if p != nothing
         p_sim = p
-    S = volatile_simulate(m, A, p_sim, verbose)
+    S = volatile_simulate(m, A, p_sim, epsilon, verbose)
     return S
@@ -363,7 +359,6 @@ function simulate(product::SynchronizedModel;
     return σ
     `simulate(pm::ParametricModel, p_prior::AbstractVector{Float64})
@@ -387,14 +382,10 @@ It returns `S::StateLHA`, not a trajectory.
 function volatile_simulate(pm::ParametricModel, p_prior::AbstractVector{Float64};
                            epsilon::Union{Nothing,Float64} = nothing)
     @assert typeof(pm.m) <: SynchronizedModel
-    # ABC related automata
-    if @isdefined(EuclideanDistanceABCAutomaton) && typeof(pm.m.automaton) <: EuclideanDistanceABCAutomaton
-        nothing
-    end
     full_p = copy(get_proba_model(pm).p)
     full_p[pm._param_idx] = p_prior
-    return volatile_simulate(pm.m; p = full_p) 
+    return volatile_simulate(pm.m; p = full_p, epsilon = epsilon)
     `distribute_mean_value_lha(sm::SynchronizedModel, sym_var::Symbol, nbr_stim::Int)`
diff --git a/tests/automata/euclidean_distance.jl b/tests/automata/euclidean_distance.jl
index 0365a54fabf0f0b015d763e908cd118fed84f104..3bb1dc3a4deb84f8229d6d1d7769e1be3994d868 100644
--- a/tests/automata/euclidean_distance.jl
+++ b/tests/automata/euclidean_distance.jl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Distributions: Uniform
@@ -46,7 +47,18 @@ for i = 1:nbr_sim
             test2 = true
-        global test_all = test_all && test && test2
+        sync_SIR = SIR * create_abc_euclidean_distance_automaton(SIR, tml_obs, y_obs, :I)
+        σ = simulate(sync_SIR)
+        test3 = euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs) == σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+        if !test3
+            @show test3, euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs), σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+            global err = σ
+            global tml = tml_obs
+            global y = y_obs
+            global sync_model = sync_SIR
+            break
+        end
+        global test_all = test_all && test && test2 && test3
@@ -82,7 +94,18 @@ for i = 1:nbr_sim
             test2 = true
-        global test_all = test_all && test && test2
+        sync_ER = ER * create_abc_euclidean_distance_automaton(ER, tml_obs, y_obs, :P)
+        σ = simulate(sync_ER)
+        test3 = euclidean_distance(σ, :P, tml_obs, y_obs) == σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+        if !test3
+            @show test3, euclidean_distance(σ, :P, tml_obs, y_obs), σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+            global err = σ
+            global tml = tml_obs
+            global y = y_obs
+            global sync_model = sync_ER
+            break
+        end
+        global test_all = test_all && test && test2 && test3
diff --git a/tests/automata/euclidean_distance_single.jl b/tests/automata/euclidean_distance_single.jl
index b6f6891614f7fb933d62e09ff5a345462f627e41..dae30d13a66552c755f6798266f58eb683c67450 100644
--- a/tests/automata/euclidean_distance_single.jl
+++ b/tests/automata/euclidean_distance_single.jl
@@ -16,12 +16,21 @@ sync_SIR = SIR * aut1
 σ = simulate(sync_SIR)
 test = euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs) == σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+if !test
+    @show euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs), σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+    @show σ
     aut2 = create_euclidean_distance_automaton_2(SIR, tml_obs, y_obs, :I)
     sync_SIR = SIR * aut2
     σ = simulate(sync_SIR)
     test2 = euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs) == σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+    if !test2
+        @show euclidean_distance(σ, :I, tml_obs, y_obs), σ.state_lha_end[:d]
+        @show σ
+    end
     test2 = true
diff --git a/tests/automaton_abc/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl b/tests/automaton_abc/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01a1c03004cedc77a3b6adff83a8c70c23cefd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/automaton_abc/abc_euclidean_distance_automaton.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using Plots
+using MarkovProcesses
+import LinearAlgebra: dot
+# ER model
+set_param!(ER, [:k1, :k2, :k3], [0.2, 40.0, 1.0])
+# Observations
+timeline = 0.0:0.1:2.0
+observations = [vectorize(simulate(ER), :P, timeline)]
+epsilon = 0.1 * sqrt(dot(observations[1], observations[1]))
+aut = create_abc_euclidean_distance_automaton(ER, timeline, observations[1], :P)
+sync_ER = ER * aut
+pm_sync_ER = ParametricModel(sync_ER, (:k1, Uniform(0.0, 100.0)), (:k2, Uniform(0.0, 100.0)))
+path_res = "abc_eucl_aut/"
+res_abc = automaton_abc(pm_sync_ER; nbr_particles = 100, tolerance = epsilon)
+samples_abc_post = res_abc.mat_p_end
+samples_weights = res_abc.weights
+histogram2d(samples_abc_post[1,:], samples_abc_post[2,:], weights = samples_weights, normalize = :density)
+savefig(path_res * "/histogram.svg")
+return true
diff --git a/tests/run_abc_smc.jl b/tests/run_abc_smc.jl
index 8848094b1460ebd2bdd87d1afc5bc88f447130d7..a11f01d46c53b0206d509b75b40c434f5ae636e8 100644
--- a/tests/run_abc_smc.jl
+++ b/tests/run_abc_smc.jl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using Test
 @testset "ABC SMC and automaton-ABC tests" begin
     @test include("automaton_abc/R1.jl")
     @test include("automaton_abc/distributed_R1.jl")
+    @test include("automaton_abc/abc_euclidean_distance.jl")
     #@test test_distributed_R1