import random import re from typing import Dict, Tuple from jupyter_exercizer_helpers import RANDOM_INT, RANDOM_CHOICE STRING_QUOTE = '"' VECTOR_OPEN = "{" VECTOR_CLOSE = "}" def_regexp = { "C++": r"CONST\s+(\w+)\s+=\s+(.*?);?\s*$", "python": r"(\w+):\s+CONST\s+=\s+(.*?);?\s*$" } for language in ['C++11', 'C++14', 'C++17']: def_regexp[language] = def_regexp['C++'] def to_language(value): """ Return `value` as a string representing a C++ constant .. TODO:: make the output language configurable >>> to_language(3) '3' >>> to_language("alice") '"alice"' >>> to_language([1,2,3]) '{1, 2, 3}' >>> to_language([[1,2],["alice", "bob"]]) '{{1, 2}, {"alice", "bob"}}' """ if isinstance(value, str): if value == "REF": return "&" if value == "VAL": return "" return STRING_QUOTE + value + STRING_QUOTE elif isinstance(value, list): return VECTOR_OPEN + ", ".join(to_language(v) for v in value) + VECTOR_CLOSE else: return str(value) def RANDOM_VECTOR(n, generator, *args): r""" Return a random vector of length `n` and whose elements are generated by calling `generator(*args)` This return a random vector of integers of length 5, with elements between 1 and 3: >>> RANDOM_VECTOR(5, RANDOM_INT, 1, 3) # doctest: +SKIP [3, 1, 2, 1, 3] >>> RANDOM_VECTOR(5, RANDOM_INT, 1, 1) [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] """ return [generator(*args) for i in range(n)] def RANDOM_VALOUREF(): r""" pas sur que ce soit la meilleur des methodes.... """ return str(random.choice(["REF", "VAL"])) locals = { "RANDOM_INT": RANDOM_INT, "RANDOM_CHOICE": RANDOM_CHOICE, "RANDOM_VECTOR": RANDOM_VECTOR, "RANDOM_VALOUREF": RANDOM_VALOUREF, } test_code = """CONST N = RANDOM_INT(3,3); CONST M = RANDOM_INT(4,4); CONST V = RANDOM_VECTOR(N, RANDOM_INT, 5, 5); CONST VV = RANDOM_VECTOR(N, RANDOM_VECTOR, M, RANDOM_INT, 1, 1); int main () { int a = N + M; vector<int> v = V; vector<vector<int>> vv = VV; }""" class Randomizer: def __init__(self, language='C++'): consts = {} consts["R"], consts["S"], consts["T"] = random.sample("rst", 3) consts["X"], consts["Y"], consts["Z"] = random.sample("xyz", 3) consts["I"], consts["J"], consts["K"], consts["N"] = random.sample("ijkn", 4) consts["PLUSOUMOINS"] = str(random.choice(["+", "-"])) consts["NAME"] = str( random.choice( ["Alexandre", "Yasmine", "Albert", "Alice", "Antoine", "Anna"] ) ) self.consts = consts self.def_regexp = re.compile(def_regexp[language]) def randomize(self, text: str, is_code: bool = True) -> str: result = [] for line in text.splitlines(): pattern = re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(self.consts.keys()) + r")\b") if is_code: match = re.match(self.def_regexp, line) else: match = None if match: # Define new constant variable, value = match.groups() # Substitutes all constants in the value value = pattern.sub(lambda i: self.consts[], value) # Evaluates the value in a context containing all the RANDOM_* # functions self.consts[variable] = to_language(eval(value, {}, locals)) else: # Substitutes all constants line = pattern.sub(lambda i: self.consts[], line) result.append(line) return "\n".join(result) def randomize_code(code: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict]: r""" Randomize the given code Examples: >>> import random >>> random.seed(0) >>> randomize_code("int XX=3;")[0] 'int XX=3;' >>> randomize_code("int X=3; int Y=4; int Z=5;")[0] 'int z=3; int x=4; int y=5;' >>> randomize_code("I, J, K, N")[0] 'n, k, j, i' >>> randomize_code("int X=1;\nint Y=2;")[0] 'int z=1;\nint y=2;' >>> print(test_code) CONST N = RANDOM_INT(3,3); CONST M = RANDOM_INT(4,4); CONST V = RANDOM_VECTOR(N, RANDOM_INT, 5, 5); CONST VV = RANDOM_VECTOR(N, RANDOM_VECTOR, M, RANDOM_INT, 1, 1); int main () { int a = N + M; vector<int> v = V; vector<vector<int>> vv = VV; } >>> print(randomize_code(test_code)[0]) int main () { int a = 3 + 4; vector<int> v = {5, 5, 5}; vector<vector<int>> vv = {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}; } """ randomizer = Randomizer() code = randomizer.randomize(code) return code, randomizer.consts