diff --git a/symb_sim.m b/symb_sim.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56caab82fefe32ed4680762eba340075ed8e7fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/symb_sim.m
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+, %% Tutorial example on symbolic control
+%% Author: Antoine GIRARD, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes, 91190, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
+%% Date: 2024
+% Simulation of closed-loop trajectories
+hold on
+fill([R1(1,1) R1(1,2) R1(1,2) R1(1,1)],...
+     [R1(2,1) R1(2,1) R1(2,2) R1(2,2)],'y','FaceAlpha',0.4);
+fill([R2(1,1) R2(1,2) R2(1,2) R2(1,1)],...
+     [R2(2,1) R2(2,1) R2(2,2) R2(2,2)],'c','FaceAlpha',0.4);
+fill([R3(1,1) R3(1,2) R3(1,2) R3(1,1)],...
+     [R3(2,1) R3(2,1) R3(2,2) R3(2,2)],'g','FaceAlpha',0.4);
+fill([R4(1,1) R4(1,2) R4(1,2) R4(1,1)],...
+     [R4(2,1) R4(2,1) R4(2,2) R4(2,2)],'r','FaceAlpha',0.4);
+for i=1:size(x0,2)
+for t=1:num_step 
+   psi=h1(psi,q(x));
+   if psi==F_s
+       break;
+   end
+   u=p(h2(psi,q(x)));
+   w=bound_w(:,1)+diag(rand(3,1))*d_w;
+   x=f(x,u,w);
+   z=f(z,u,w); 
+   if x(3)>pi
+       x(3)=x(3)-2*pi;
+   elseif x(3)<-pi
+       x(3)=x(3)+2*pi;
+   end
+   Tx=[Tx,z];
+hold off
+axis([bound_x(1,1) bound_x(1,2) bound_x(2,1) bound_x(2,2)]);
+ax = gca;
+ax.FontSize = 16; 
+title('Trajectories of the closed-loop system')