diff --git a/Sujet.pdf b/Sujet.pdf
index fee3b5191a38a331944da73049353c94da487764..394349006b129bd5f07005a60be9473288260ff7 100644
Binary files a/Sujet.pdf and b/Sujet.pdf differ
diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
index 1169a467d9d8cd7129f7bd2876692dbbdbe879ea..d6b84292ea9b87d1a73d77bdf767a9afb263d2b0 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 # if make is launched with a DIR variable, pass it as the -f option to test.py
 # 'make DIR=basic/mul*.e' launches all the files starting with mul in the basic directory
 # otherwise, use basic/*.e as a default
-OPTS := $(if $(DIR),-f $(DIR),-f basic/*.e)
+FILES := $(if $(DIR),-f $(DIR),-f basic/*.e)
+OPTS := $(if $(OPTS), $(OPTS),)
 .PHONY: all
 all: ../main.native
-	./test.py $(OPTS)
+	./test.py $(FILES) $(OPTS)
 	find . -name '*.ltl' -or -name '*.cfg' -or -name '*.exe' -or -name '*.s' -or -name '*.rtl' -or -name '*.ast' -or -name '*.cfg0' -or -name '*.cfg1' -or -name '*.cfg2' -or -name '*.cfg3' -or -name '*.riscv' -or -name '*.dump' -or	-name '*.linear1' -or -name '*.linear' -or -name '*.html' -or -name '*.svg'	-or -name '*.html' -or -name '*.lex' -or -name "*.json" | xargs -I{} rm {}