diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8102f28a3b108b408666fdc397bdeb8ae8617a5d..ffd5a61609c31f949ac82df6ebb251113e23250b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ tests/**/*.cfg3
diff --git a/Sujet.pdf b/Sujet.pdf
index 6cd99d9db240f72fa9761f1fbbec548db85b35dd..af1239cb519f91d2689a7b3328df0688bcfffcf4 100644
Binary files a/Sujet.pdf and b/Sujet.pdf differ
diff --git a/src/elang_run.ml b/src/elang_run.ml
index a59fb8be3533492127b99f9cf529cf337d357a16..96c070fac5f5d7e28824f7b56a8eec6ba2f43f6f 100644
--- a/src/elang_run.ml
+++ b/src/elang_run.ml
@@ -24,36 +24,35 @@ let eval_unop (u: unop) : int -> int =
 let rec eval_eexpr st (e : expr) : int res =
    Error "eval_eexpr not implemented yet."
-(* [eval_einstr oc st ins] evaluates the instruction [ins] in starting state
-   [st].
+(* [eval_einstr oc st ins] évalue l'instrution [ins] en partant de l'état [st].
-   The parameter [oc], unused for now, is an output channel in which functions
-   like "print" will write their output, when we add them.
+   Le paramètre [oc] est un "output channel", dans lequel la fonction "print"
+   écrit sa sortie, au moyen de l'instruction [Format.fprintf].
-   This function returns [(ret, st')] :
+   Cette fonction renvoie [(ret, st')] :
-   - [ret] is an [int option]. [Some v] should be returned when a return
-   instruction is met. [None] means that execution should continue.
+   - [ret] est de type [int option]. [Some v] doit être renvoyé lorsqu'une
+   instruction [return] est évaluée. [None] signifie qu'aucun [return] n'a eu
+   lieu et que l'exécution doit continuer.
-   - [st'] is the updated state.
+   - [st'] est l'état mis à jour. *)
 let rec eval_einstr oc (st: int state) (ins: instr) :
   (int option * int state) res =
    Error "eval_einstr not implemented yet."
-(* [eval_efun oc st f fname vargs] evaluates function [f] (whose name is
-   [fname]) starting in state [st], with arguments given in [vargs].
+(* [eval_efun oc st f fname vargs] évalue la fonction [f] (dont le nom est
+   [fname]) en partant de l'état [st], avec les arguments [vargs].
-   This returns a pair (ret, st') with the same meaning as for [eval_einstr].
+   Cette fonction renvoie un couple (ret, st') avec la même signification que
+   pour [eval_einstr]. *)
 let eval_efun oc (st: int state) ({ funargs; funbody}: efun)
     (fname: string) (vargs: int list)
   : (int option * int state) res =
-  (* A function's environment (mapping from local variables to values) is local
-     and a function call should not modify the caller's variables. Hence, we
-     save the caller's environment in [env_save], call the function in a clean
-     environment with only its arguments set, and restore the caller's
-     environment. *)
+  (* L'environnement d'une fonction (mapping des variables locales vers leurs
+     valeurs) est local et un appel de fonction ne devrait pas modifier les
+     variables de l'appelant. Donc, on sauvegarde l'environnement de l'appelant
+     dans [env_save], on appelle la fonction dans un environnement propre (Avec
+     seulement ses arguments), puis on restore l'environnement de l'appelant. *)
   let env_save = Hashtbl.copy st.env in
   let env = Hashtbl.create 17 in
   match List.iter2 (fun a v -> Hashtbl.replace env a v) funargs vargs with
@@ -66,19 +65,22 @@ let eval_efun oc (st: int state) ({ funargs; funbody}: efun)
              fname (List.length vargs) (List.length funargs)
-(* [eval_eprog oc ep memsize params] evaluates a complete program [ep], with
+(* [eval_eprog oc ep memsize params] évalue un programme complet [ep], avec les
    arguments [params].
-   The [memsize] parameter gives the size of the memory this program will be run
-   with. This is not useful for now (our programs do not use memory), but it
-   will when we add memory allocation to our programs.
+   Le paramètre [memsize] donne la taille de la mémoire dont ce programme va
+   disposer. Ce n'est pas utile tout de suite (nos programmes n'utilisent pas de
+   mémoire), mais ça le sera lorsqu'on ajoutera de l'allocation dynamique dans
+   nos programmes.
-   Returns:
-   - [OK (Some v)] when the function evaluation went without problems and
-   resulted in integer value [v].
-   - [OK None] when the function evaluation finished without returning a value.
-   - [Error msg] when an error has occured.
+   Renvoie:
+   - [OK (Some v)] lorsque l'évaluation de la fonction a lieu sans problèmes et renvoie une valeur [v].
+   - [OK None] lorsque l'évaluation de la fonction termine sans renvoyer de valeur.
+   - [Error msg] lorsqu'une erreur survient.
+   *)
 let eval_eprog oc (ep: eprog) (memsize: int) (params: int list)
   : int option res =
   let st = init_state memsize in
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index 1314160c8637843ce07c128d0a52b09543e9ab3e..b0397bb85b1f4b9d700be7949d075613336db8b3 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ let speclist =
     ("-m32", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Archi.archi := A32), "32bit mode");
     ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> input_file := Some s), "file to compile");
     ("-alloc-order-ts", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Options.alloc_order_st := false), "Allocate t regs before s regs");
-    ("-json", Arg.Set output_json, "Output JSON summary");
+    ("-json", Arg.String (fun s -> output_json := s), "Output JSON summary");
     ("-nostart", Arg.Set nostart, "Don't output _start code.");
     ("-nostats", Arg.Set nostats, "Don't output stats.");
     ("-nomul", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> has_mul := false), "Target architecture without mul instruction.");
@@ -358,9 +358,7 @@ let _ =
-      if !output_json
-      then begin
+      let json_output_string = 
         let open Yojson in
         let jstring_of_ostring o =
           match o with
@@ -380,6 +378,10 @@ let _ =
                       ("data", data)
           ) !results) in
-        Format.printf "%s\n" (Yojson.pretty_to_string j);
-      end;
+        (Yojson.pretty_to_string j) in
+      dump (Some !output_json) (fun oc p ->
+          Format.fprintf oc "%s\n" p
+        ) json_output_string (fun _ () -> ());
       make_report input report ()
diff --git a/src/options.ml b/src/options.ml
index 63572f6f206a59b6e4c1d4af823c49616789ad03..53c33dfcf99529e7d6ff99ae59174f270a3d2208 100644
--- a/src/options.ml
+++ b/src/options.ml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let riscv_run = ref false
 let show = ref false
 let params : int list ref = ref []
 let input_file : string option ref = ref None
-let output_json = ref false
+let output_json : string ref = ref "-"
 let nostart = ref false
 let nostats = ref false
 let has_mul = ref true
diff --git a/tests/test.py b/tests/test.py
index 3ec9d0f27c56dcdd86bf327c513a23ab950bbd26..a77bc49842b5dab72b8cecfc227e7d3c8a52a99d 100755
--- a/tests/test.py
+++ b/tests/test.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ if(args.verbose >= 1):
 # construct the set of commands to be launched, one per file
 cmds = []
 for f in args.file:
-    cmd = "../main.native -json -f {} {} {} -- {}".format(f,
+    cmd = "../main.native -json {}.json -f {} {} {} -- {}".format(f, f,
                                                  " ".join(map(lambda s : "-"+s, args.passes)),
                                                        " ".join(unknown_args),
                                                  " ".join(args.args)
@@ -142,13 +142,15 @@ class CommandExecutor(Thread):
         process = self.run_capture_output_interruptible(c)
         self.stdout = process['stdout'].decode('utf8')
         self.stderr = process['stderr'].decode('utf8')
+        json_file_name = self.f + ".json"
         j = []
-        try:
-            j = json.loads(self.stdout)
-        except:
-            j.append({'retval':-1,
-                      'output': display_verbatim(self.stdout),
-                      'error': display_verbatim(self.stderr)})
+        with open(json_file_name, 'r') as jsonfile:
+            try:
+                j = json.load(jsonfile)
+            except:
+                j.append({'retval':-1,
+                          'output': display_verbatim(self.stdout),
+                          'error': display_verbatim(self.stderr)})
         old_ret = None
         old_out = None
         old_err = None