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  • theo.putegnat/infosec-ecomp
  • damien.armillon/infosec-ecomp
  • mouhamed.sougou/infosec-ecomp
  • cidre-public/compilation/infosec-ecomp
4 results
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with 1117 additions and 128 deletions
open Batteries
open BatList
open BatEnum
open Prog
open Linear
open Rtl
open Linear_liveness
open Utils
open Report
open Options
(* Allocation de registres *)
(* Nous allons procéder à l'allocation de registres, par coloration de graphe
Le but de l'allocateur est d'associer à chaque pseudo-registre utilisé dans
une fonction Linear, un emplacement (type [loc]). *)
type regalloc_decision = Spill of int | NoSpill of int
type loc = Reg of int | Stk of int
(* Un emplacement (location en anglais) est soit un registre machine (identifié
par son numéro [r] entre 0 et 31 inclus) : [Reg r], soit un emplacement sur
la pile [Stk o] signifiant un décalage de [o] octets par rapport au pointeur
de trame présent dans le registre [s0] (aussi appelé [fp] pour frame
pointer). *)
(* Nous vous fournissons, ci-dessous, une implémentation naïve qui évince tous
les pseudo-registres sur la pile. *)
let regs_in_instr i =
Set.union (gen_live i) (kill_live i)
let regalloc_fun (f: linear_fun) (live_in, live_out) all_colors =
(Hashtbl.create 0, 0)
let regs_in_instr_list (l: rtl_instr list) : reg Set.t =
(fun acc i -> Set.union acc (regs_in_instr i))
Set.empty l
let regalloc_on_stack_fun (f: linear_fun) : ((reg, loc) Hashtbl.t * int)=
let allocation = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let regs = regs_in_instr_list f.linearfunbody in
let regs = Set.diff regs (Set.of_list f.linearfunargs) in
let next_stack_slot =
List.fold_left (fun next_stack_slot r ->
Hashtbl.replace allocation r (Stk (next_stack_slot));
next_stack_slot - 1
) (-1) (Set.to_list regs) in
(allocation, next_stack_slot)
let regalloc lp lives all_colors =
let allocations =
Hashtbl.create 17 in
(* Nous allons maintenant construire un graphe d'interférence de registres
(register interference graph, ou rig). Le type d'un rig est donné par le type
OCaml [(reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t], i.e. une table dont les clés sont des
registres et les valeurs sont des ensembles de registres qui "interfèrent"
avec le registre-clé. Cela correspond à la relation d'adjacence dans le
graphe d'interférence. *)
(* La fonction [add_to_interf rig x y] ajoute [y] à la liste des registres qui
interfèrent avec [x] dans le graphe [rig].
On pourra utiliser la fonction [Hashtbl.modify_def] qui permet de modifier la
valeur associée à une clé.
Par exemple, l'appel [Hashtbl.modify_def def k f rig] modifie la valeur
associée à la clé [k] dans le graphe [rig].
[f] est une fonction qui prend en entrée l'ancienne valeur, et qui retourne
la nouvelle valeur (type ['b -> 'b], si [rig] est de type [('a,'b)
Hashtbl.t], i.e. ['b] est le type des valeurs).
[def] est la valeur par défaut donnée à [f] s'il n'existe pas d'ancienne
valeur pour la clé [k].
Attention, les interférences doivent exister dans les deux sens, i.e. si [x]
est dans la liste d'interférence de [y], alors [y] doit être dans la liste
d'interférence de [x].
let add_interf (rig : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) (x: reg) (y: reg) : unit =
(* TODO *)
(* [make_interf_live rig live] ajoute des arcs dans le graphe d'interférence
pour chaque paire de registres vivants en même temps à un point de programme.
let make_interf_live
(rig: (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t)
(live : (int, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) : unit =
(* TODO *)
(* [build_interference_graph live_out] construit, en utilisant les fonctions que
vous avez écrites, le graphe d'interférence en fonction de la vivacité des
variables à la sortie des nœuds donné par [live_out].
Offert par la maison !
let build_interference_graph (live_out : (int, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) code : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t =
let interf = Hashtbl.create 17 in
(* On ajoute un sommet pour chaque variable qui apparaît dans le programme. *)
Hashtbl.iter (fun _ s ->
Set.iter (fun v -> Hashtbl.replace interf v Set.empty) s
) live_out;
make_interf_live interf live_out;
(* Les registres dans lesquels on écrit mais qui ne sont jamais vivants doivent être considérés comme en interférence avec tous les autres. *)
let written_regs = written_rtl_regs code in
let written_regs_never_live =
Hashtbl.fold (fun _ regset_live_together acc -> Set.diff acc regset_live_together) live_out
written_regs in
let other_regs = Hashtbl.keys interf |> Set.of_enum in
Set.iter (fun r ->
Set.iter (fun r_other ->
add_interf interf r r_other
) other_regs
) written_regs_never_live;
(* [remove_from_rig rig v] supprime le sommet [v] du graphe d'interférences
[rig]. *)
let remove_from_rig (rig : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) (v: reg) : unit =
(* TODO *)
(* Type représentant les différentes décisions qui peuvent être prises par
l'allocateur de registres.
- [Spill r] signifie que le pseudo-registre [r] sera évincé (spillé) sur la pile.
- [NoSpill r] signifie que le pseudo-registre [r] sera alloué dans un vrai
registre physique.
type regalloc_decision =
Spill of reg
| NoSpill of reg
(* Rappel de l'algorithme d'empilement des registres *)
(* Une fois le graphe d'interférences construit, il nous faut parcourir ce
graphe afin de le colorer, avec [n] couleurs. On construit une pile de
Tant que le graphe n'est pas vide:
- choisir un sommet [s] avec strictement moins de [n] voisins (ce sera le
travail de la fonction [pick_node_with_fewer_than_n_neighbors]), empiler la
décision [NoSpill s] et retirer [s] du graphe.
- si aucun tel sommet n'existe dans le graphe, choisir un sommet [s]
correspondant à un registre que l'on évincera (ce sera le travail de la
fonction [pick_spilling_candidate]). Empiler la décision [Spill s] et retirer
[s] du graphe.
(* [pick_node_with_fewer_than_n_neighbors rig n] choisit un nœud du graphe [rig]
possédant strictement moins de [n] voisins. Retourne [None] si aucun sommet
ne satisfait cette condition. *)
let pick_node_with_fewer_than_n_neighbors (rig : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) (n: int) : reg option =
(* TODO *)
(* Lorsque la fonction précédente échoue (i.e. aucun sommet n'a moins de [n]
voisins), on choisit un pseudo-registre à évincer.
Une heuristique possible consiste à évincer le pseudo-registre qui a le plus
de voisins dans le graphe [rig].
[pick_spilling_candidate rig] retourne donc le pseudo-registre [r] qui a le
plus de voisins dans [rig], ou [None] si [rig] est vide. *)
let pick_spilling_candidate (rig : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) : reg option =
(* TODO *)
(* [make_stack rig stack ncolors] construit la pile, selon l'algorithme vu en
cours (slide 26 du cours "Allocation de registres"
présent sur Edunao.) *)
let rec make_stack (rig : (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t) (stack : regalloc_decision list) (ncolors: int) : regalloc_decision list =
(* TODO *)
(* Maintenant que nous avons une pile de [regalloc_decision], il est temps de
colorer notre graphe, i.e. associer une couleur (un numéro de registre
physique) à chaque pseudo-registre. Nous allons parcourir la pile et pour
chaque décision :
- [Spill r] : associer un emplacement sur la pile au pseudo-registre [r]. On
choisira l'emplacement [next_stack_slot].
- [NoSpill r] : associer une couleur (un registre) physique au
pseudo-registre [r]. On choisira une couleur qui n'est pas déjà associée à un
voisin de [r] dans [rig].
Cette fonction prend en entrée :
- [allocation] : l'allocation courante, que l'on mettra à jour, et qui
permettra de trouver les couleurs qui ne sont pas déjà associées à des
- [rig] : le graphe d'interférence, qui permettra de connaître les voisins
d'un registre.
- [all_colors] : l'ensemble des couleurs que l'on peut allouer.
- [next_stack_slot] : le prochain emplacement disponible sur la pile. Cela
représentera des offsets négatifs par rapport à fp, on le mettra donc à jour
en décrémentant cette valeur de 1.
- [decision] : une décision parmi celles empilées.
Cette fonction met à jour [allocation] et renvoie la nouvelle valeur de
let allocate (allocation: (reg, loc) Hashtbl.t) (rig: (reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t)
(all_colors: int Set.t)
(next_stack_slot: int) (decision: regalloc_decision)
: int =
(* TODO *)
(* [regalloc_fun f live_out all_colors] effectue l'allocation de registres pour
la fonction [f].
- [live_out] est un mapping des numéros d'instructions dans la fonction
Linear vers l'ensemble des registres vivants après cette instruction.
- [all_colors] est l'ensemble des registres que l'on pourra utiliser.
Cette fonction renvoie un triplet [(rig, allocation, next_stack_slot)] :
- [rig] est le graphe d'interférences (simplement pour l'affichage)
- [allocation] est l'allocation de registre que vous aurez construit
- [next_stack_slot] est le prochain emplacement disponible sur la pile
(utilisé dans [ltl_gen], qui vous est fourni.)
let regalloc_fun (f: linear_fun)
(live_out: (int, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t)
(all_colors: int Set.t) :
(reg, reg Set.t) Hashtbl.t (* the RIG *)
* (reg, loc) Hashtbl.t (* the allocation *)
* int (* the next stack slot *)
let rig = build_interference_graph live_out f.linearfunbody in
let allocation = Hashtbl.create 17 in
(* Les pseudo-registres qui contiennent les arguments sont traités séparément
dans []. On les enlève donc du graphe. *)
List.iter (fun p -> remove_from_rig rig p) f.linearfunargs;
(* On effectue une copie [g] du graphe d'interférence [rig]. En effet, comme
on va supprimer des sommets du graphe, on perd l'information
d'interférence, dont on aura besoin pour effectuer la coloration. *)
let g = Hashtbl.copy rig in
let stack = make_stack g [] (Set.cardinal all_colors) in
let next_stack_slot =
List.fold_left (fun next_stack_slot decision ->
allocate allocation rig all_colors next_stack_slot decision
) (-1) stack in
(rig, allocation, next_stack_slot)
(* [dump_interf_graph fname rig] affiche les interférences associées à chaque
registre. Peut être utile pour le débogage ! Pas besoin d'inspecter cette
fonction, à moins qu'elle soit buggée... :-) *)
let dump_interf_graph oc (fname, rig, allocation) =
let colors = Array.of_list [
"blue"; "red"; "orange"; "pink"; "green"; "purple";
"brown"; "turquoise"; "gray"; "gold"; "darkorchid"; "bisque";
"darkseagreen"; "cornsilk"; "burlywood"; "dodgerblue"; "antiquewhite"; "firebrick";
"deepskyblue"; "darkolivegreen"; "hotpink"; "lightsalmon"; "magenta"; "lawngreen";
] in
let color_of_allocation r =
match Hashtbl.find_option allocation r with
| Some (Reg r) ->
Array.get colors (r mod Array.length colors)
| _ -> "white"
Format.fprintf oc "subgraph cluster_%s{\n" fname;
Format.fprintf oc "label=\"%s\";\n" fname;
Hashtbl.keys rig |> Enum.iter (fun r ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s_r%d [label=\"r%d\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"%s\"];\n" fname r r (color_of_allocation r)
(fun i s ->
Set.iter (fun x ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s_r%d -> %s_r%d;\n" fname i fname x
) s;)
Format.fprintf oc "}\n"
let dump_interf_graphs oc allocations =
Format.fprintf oc "digraph RIGS {\n";
Hashtbl.iter (fun fname (rig, allocation, next_stack_slot) ->
dump_interf_graph oc (fname, rig, allocation)
) allocations;
Format.fprintf oc "}\n"
(* On applique l'allocation de registres à tout le programme Linear, et on
affiche tout ça dans le rapport (la page HTML de chaque fichier). *)
let regalloc lp lives all_colors =
let allocations = Hashtbl.create 17 in
List.iter (function (fname,Gfun f) ->
begin match Hashtbl.find_option lives fname with
| Some (live_in, live_out) ->
let (allocation, curstackslot) = regalloc_fun f (live_in, live_out) all_colors in
Hashtbl.replace allocations fname (allocation, curstackslot)
let (rig, allocation, curstackslot) =
if !Options.naive_regalloc
then let (al, nss) = regalloc_on_stack_fun f in
(Hashtbl.create 0, al, nss)
else regalloc_fun f live_out all_colors
Hashtbl.replace allocations fname (rig, allocation, curstackslot)
| None -> ()
) lp;
dump !Options.rig_dump dump_interf_graphs allocations
(call_dot "regalloc" "Register Allocation");
open Options
open Utils
type html_node =
| Img of string
......@@ -23,17 +25,185 @@ let add_to_report id title content =
let make_report filename report () =
let html = open_out (filename ^ ".html") in
Printf.fprintf html "<ul id=\"top\">";
Printf.fprintf html "\
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">\n\
<script src=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>\n\
<style type=\"text/css\">\n\
a.anchor {\n\
display: block; \
position: relative; \
left: -250px; \
visibility: hidden;\
Printf.fprintf html "<div \
class=\"w3-container w3-cell\" \
style=\"position: fixed; z-index: 1; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 250px; overflow-y: scroll;\"\
>\n <ul class=\"w3-ul\">\n";
let t = Unix.time () in
let tm = Unix.localtime t in
let open Unix in
Printf.fprintf html "<li>%02d/%02d/%04d - %02dh%02d</li>"
(tm.tm_mon + 1)
(tm.tm_year + 1900)
Printf.fprintf html " <li><a href=\"../results.html\"><i class=\"fa fa-home\"></i> Results</a></li>\n";
(fun { sect_id; sect_title } ->
Printf.fprintf html "<li><a href=\"#%s\">%s</a></li>\n" sect_id sect_title
(fun { sect_id; sect_title; _ } ->
Printf.fprintf html " <li><a href=\"#%s\">%s</a></li>\n" sect_id sect_title
Printf.fprintf html "</ul>";
Printf.fprintf html "</ul></div><div \
class=\"w3-container w3-cell-row\" \
style=\"margin-left: 250px;\"\
><a class=\"anchor\" id=\"top\"></a>";
(fun { sect_id; sect_title; sect_content } ->
Printf.fprintf html "<fieldset><h3 id=\"%s\"><a href=\"#top\">&uarr;</a> %s</h3>%a</fieldset>\n" sect_id sect_title print_html sect_content
Printf.fprintf html "<fieldset>\n\
<a class=\"anchor\" id=\"%s\"></a>\n\
<h3><a href=\"#top\">&uarr;</a> %s</h3>\n\
</fieldset>\n" sect_id sect_title print_html sect_content
Printf.fprintf html "\
close_out html;
let call_dot report_sectid report_secttitle file () : unit =
if not !Options.no_dot
then begin
let r = Sys.command (Format.sprintf "dot -Tsvg %s -o %s.svg" file file) in
add_to_report report_sectid report_secttitle (Img (Filename.basename file^".svg"));
ignore r
(* *)
type run_result = {
step: string;
retval: int option;
output: string;
error: string option;
time: float;
type compile_result = {
step: string;
error: string option;
data: Yojson.t
type result = RunRes of run_result
| CompRes of compile_result
let results : result list ref = ref []
let record_compile_result ?error:(error=None) ?data:(data=[]) step =
let data = if not !Options.nostats then `List data else `Null in
results := !results @ [CompRes { step; error; data}]
let kill pid sign =
try Unix.kill pid sign with
| Unix.Unix_error (e,f,p) ->
begin match e with
| ESRCH -> ()
| _ -> Printf.printf "%s\n" ((Unix.error_message e)^"|"^f^"|"^p)
| e -> raise e
let run_exn_to_error f x =
try f x with
| e -> Error (Printexc.to_string e)
let timeout (f: 'a -> 'b res) (arg: 'a) (time: float) : ('b * string) res =
let pipe_r,pipe_w = Unix.pipe () in
(match Unix.fork () with
| 0 ->
let r =
run_exn_to_error f arg >>= fun v ->
OK (v, Format.flush_str_formatter ()) in
let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr pipe_w in
Marshal.to_channel oc r [];
close_out oc;
exit 0
| pid0 ->
(match Unix.fork () with
| 0 -> Unix.sleepf time;
kill pid0 Sys.sigkill;
let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr pipe_w in
Marshal.to_channel oc (Error (Printf.sprintf "Timeout after %f seconds." time)) [];
close_out oc;
exit 0
| _ -> let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr pipe_r in
let result = Marshal.from_channel ic in
result ))
let run step flag eval p =
if flag then begin
let starttime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let res = timeout
(fun (p, params) -> eval Format.str_formatter p !heapsize params)
(p, !params)
!Options.timeout in
let timerun = Unix.gettimeofday () -. starttime in
let rres = { step ; retval = None; output=""; error = None; time = timerun} in
let rres =
begin match res with
| OK (v, output) -> { rres with retval = v; output }
| Error msg -> { rres with error = Some msg }
end in
results := !results @ [RunRes rres];
add_to_report step ("Run " ^ step) (
Printf.sprintf "With parameters : [%s]<br>\n" (String.concat"," ( string_of_int !params))
^ Printf.sprintf "Mem size : %d bytes<br>\n" !heapsize
^ Printf.sprintf "Return value : %s<br>\n" (match rres.retval with | Some v -> string_of_int v | _ -> "none")
^ Printf.sprintf "Output : <pre style=\"padding: 1em; background-color: #ccc;\">%s</pre>\n" rres.output
(match rres.error with
| Some msg -> Printf.sprintf "Error : <pre style=\"padding: 1em; background-color: #fcc;\">\n%s</pre>\n" msg
| _ -> "")
^ Printf.sprintf "Time : %f seconds<br>\n" timerun
let json_output_string () =
let jstring_of_ostring o =
match o with
| None -> `Null
| Some s -> `String s
let j = `List ( (function
| RunRes { step; retval; output; error; time } ->
`Assoc [("runstep",`String step);
("retval", match retval with Some r -> `Int r | None -> `Null);
("output", `String output);
("error", jstring_of_ostring error);
("time", `Float time)
| CompRes { step; error; data } ->
`Assoc [("compstep",`String step);
("error", jstring_of_ostring error);
("data", data)
) !results) in
(Yojson.pretty_to_string j)
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open Ltl_print
open Utils
open Prog
open Options
open Archi
(* This file performs the translation from LTL programs to RISC-V assembly
programs. The languages are basically the same, so the only thing to do here
......@@ -43,27 +44,19 @@ let print_binop (b: binop) =
| Elang.Emul -> "mul"
| Elang.Emod -> "remu"
| Elang.Exor -> "xor"
| Elang.Ediv -> "div"
| Elang.Ediv -> "divu"
| Elang.Esub -> "sub"
| Elang.Eclt -> "slt"
| Elang.Ecle -> "sle"
| Elang.Ecgt -> "sgt"
| Elang.Ecge -> "sge"
| Elang.Eceq -> "seq"
| Elang.Ecne -> "sne"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected binop"
let print_unop (u: unop) =
match u with
| Elang.Eneg -> "neg"
let instrsuffix_of_size sz =
match !, sz with
| _, 1 -> 'b'
| _, 4 -> 'w'
| A64, 8 -> 'd'
| _, _ ->
failwith (Format.sprintf "Impossible write size (%d) in archi (%d)"
sz !Archi.nbits)
match sz with
| MAS1 -> 'b'
| MAS4 -> 'w'
| MAS8 -> 'd'
let dump_riscv_instr oc (i: ltl_instr) =
match i with
......@@ -72,18 +65,48 @@ let dump_riscv_instr oc (i: ltl_instr) =
| LSubi(rd, rs, i) ->
Format.fprintf oc "addi %s, %s, %d\n" (print_reg rd) (print_reg rs) (-i)
| LBinop(b, rd, rs1, rs2) ->
(* TODO *)
Format.fprintf oc "%s %s, %s, %s\n"
begin match b with
| Elang.Eclt ->
Format.fprintf oc "slt %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2)
| Elang.Ecgt ->
Format.fprintf oc "slt %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs2) (print_reg rs1)
| Elang.Ecle ->
(* 'rd <- rs1 <= rs2' == 'rd <- rs2 < rs1; rd <- seqz rd' *)
Format.fprintf oc "slt %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs2) (print_reg rs1);
Format.fprintf oc "seqz %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rd)
| Elang.Ecge ->
Format.fprintf oc "slt %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2);
Format.fprintf oc "seqz %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rd)
| Elang.Eceq ->
Format.fprintf oc "sub %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2);
Format.fprintf oc "seqz %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rd)
| Elang.Ecne ->
Format.fprintf oc "sub %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2);
Format.fprintf oc "snez %s, %s\n"
(print_reg rd) (print_reg rd)
| _ -> Format.fprintf oc "%s %s, %s, %s\n"
(print_binop b) (print_reg rd) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2)
| LUnop(u, rd, rs) ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s %s, %s\n"
(print_unop u) (print_reg rd) (print_reg rs)
(print_unop u) (print_reg rd) (print_reg rs)
| LStore(rt, i, rs, sz) ->
let sz = instrsuffix_of_size sz in
Format.fprintf oc "s%c %s, %d(%s)\n"
(instrsuffix_of_size sz) (print_reg rs) i (print_reg rt)
sz (print_reg rs) i (print_reg rt)
| LLoad(rd, rt, i, sz) ->
let sz = (instrsuffix_of_size sz) in
Format.fprintf oc "l%c %s, %d(%s)\n"
(instrsuffix_of_size sz) (print_reg rd) i (print_reg rt)
sz (print_reg rd) i (print_reg rt)
| LMov(rd, rs) ->
Format.fprintf oc "mv %s, %s\n" (print_reg rd) (print_reg rs)
| LLabel l ->
......@@ -103,58 +126,46 @@ let dump_riscv_fun oc (fname , lf) =
Format.fprintf oc "%s:\n" fname;
List.iter (dump_riscv_instr oc) lf.ltlfunbody
let riscv_load_args oc =
let nargs = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8] in
(* for each arg in [1..8]:
a0 <- arg
call load_int_arg
call atoi
sd a0, -8*arg(fp)
let l1 = nargs |> (fun i ->
[LConst(reg_a0, i);
LStore(reg_fp, - !Archi.wordsize*i,
reg_a0, !Archi.wordsize)
]) in
(* for each arg in [1..8]
ld a{arg-1}, -8*arg(fp)
let l2 = nargs |> (fun i ->
[LLoad(starting_arg_register + i - 1, reg_fp,
- !Archi.wordsize*i, !Archi.wordsize)]) in
(l1 @ l2) |> List.concat |> List.iter (fun i -> dump_riscv_instr oc i)
let riscv_fun_load_arg oc () =
ltlfunargs = 0;
t0 <- Archi.wordsize (in this example 8)
mul a0, a0, t0
add t0, fp, a0
ld a0, 8(t0)
jmpr ra
ltlfunbody = [LConst(reg_t0, !Archi.wordsize);
LBinop(Emul, reg_ret, reg_ret, reg_t0);
LBinop(Eadd, reg_t0, reg_fp, reg_ret);
LLoad(reg_ret, reg_t0, !Archi.wordsize, !Archi.wordsize);
LJmpr reg_ra
ltlfuninfo = [];
ltlregalloc = []
}) |> dump_riscv_fun oc
let riscv_load_args target oc : unit =
(match target with
| Linux -> LLoad(reg_s1, reg_sp, 0, archi_mas ()) :: (* s1 <- argc *)
LAddi(reg_s2, reg_sp, (Archi.wordsize ())) :: []
| Xv6 -> LMov(reg_s1, reg_a0) ::
LMov(reg_s2, reg_a1) :: []) @
LConst(reg_s3, 1) ::
LSubi(reg_sp, reg_sp, 72) ::
LLabel "Lloop" ::
LBranch(Rceq, reg_s3, reg_s1, "Lendargs") ::
LMov(reg_a0, reg_t4) ::
LAddi(reg_s4, reg_s3, 0) ::
LConst(reg_t1, (Archi.wordsize ())) ::
LBinop(Emul, reg_s4, reg_s4, reg_t1) ::
LBinop(Eadd, reg_t3, reg_s4, reg_s2) ::
LLoad(reg_a0, reg_t3, 0, archi_mas ()) ::
LCall "atoi" ::
LBinop(Esub, reg_s4, reg_fp, reg_s4) ::
LStore(reg_s4, 0, reg_a0, archi_mas ()) ::
LAddi(reg_s3, reg_s3, 1) ::
LJmp "Lloop" ::
LLabel "Lendargs" ::
LLoad(reg_a0, reg_fp, -8, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a1, reg_fp, -16, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a2, reg_fp, -24, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a3, reg_fp, -32, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a4, reg_fp, -40, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a5, reg_fp, -48, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a6, reg_fp, -56, archi_mas ()) ::
LLoad(reg_a7, reg_fp, -64, archi_mas ()) ::
[] |>
List.iter (dump_riscv_instr oc)
let rv_store () =
Format.sprintf "s%c" !Archi.instrsuffix
Format.sprintf "s%c" (Archi.instrsuffix ())
let rv_load () =
Format.sprintf "l%c" !Archi.instrsuffix
Format.sprintf "l%c" (Archi.instrsuffix ())
let riscv_prelude oc =
let riscv_prelude target oc =
Format.fprintf oc ".include \"syscall_numbers.s\"\n";
Format.fprintf oc ".globl _start\n";
Format.fprintf oc "_start:\n";
Format.fprintf oc " lui gp, %%hi(_heap_start)\n";
......@@ -162,21 +173,19 @@ let riscv_prelude oc =
Format.fprintf oc " addi t0, gp, 8\n";
Format.fprintf oc " %s t0, 0(gp)\n" (rv_store ());
Format.fprintf oc " mv s0, sp\n";
Format.fprintf oc " add sp, sp, -72\n";
riscv_load_args oc;
riscv_load_args target oc ;
Format.fprintf oc "jal ra, main\n";
Format.fprintf oc "mv s0, a0\n";
Format.fprintf oc "jal ra, println\n";
Format.fprintf oc "mv a0, s0\n";
Format.fprintf oc "jal ra, print_int\n";
Format.fprintf oc "jal ra, println\n";
Format.fprintf oc "addi a7, zero, 93\n";
Format.fprintf oc "addi a7, zero, SYSCALL_EXIT\n";
Format.fprintf oc "ecall\n"
let dump_riscv_prog oc lp =
if !nostart then () else riscv_prelude oc;
let dump_riscv_prog target oc lp : unit =
(if !nostart then () else riscv_prelude target oc);
Format.fprintf oc ".global main\n";
List.iter (function
(fname, Gfun f) -> dump_riscv_fun oc (fname,f)
) lp;
riscv_fun_load_arg oc ()
) lp
open Batteries
open BatList
open Elang
open Cfg
open Utils
open Prog
type reg = int
......@@ -24,3 +21,19 @@ type rtl_fun = { rtlfunargs: reg list;
rtlfunentry: int;
rtlfuninfo: (string*reg) list
let written_rtl_regs_instr (i: rtl_instr) =
match i with
| Rbinop (_, rd, _, _)
| Runop (_, rd, _)
| Rconst (rd, _)
| Rmov (rd, _) -> Set.singleton rd
| Rprint _
| Rret _
| Rlabel _
| Rbranch (_, _, _, _)
| Rjmp _ -> Set.empty
let written_rtl_regs (l: rtl_instr list) =
List.fold_left (fun acc i -> Set.union acc (written_rtl_regs_instr i))
Set.empty l
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ open Cfg
open Rtl
open Prog
open Utils
open Report
open Rtl_print
open Options
(* Une partie de la génération de RTL consiste à allouer les variables dans des
pseudo-registres RTL.
......@@ -25,10 +28,9 @@ open Utils
let find_var (next_reg, var2reg) v =
begin match List.assoc_opt v var2reg with
match List.assoc_opt v var2reg with
| Some r -> (r, next_reg, var2reg)
| None -> (next_reg, next_reg + 1, assoc_set var2reg v next_reg)
(* [rtl_instrs_of_cfg_expr (next_reg, var2reg) e] construit une liste
d'instructions RTL correspondant à l'évaluation d'une expression E.
......@@ -52,9 +54,12 @@ let is_cmp_op =
| Ecne -> Some Rcne
| _ -> None
let is_cmp (e: expr) =
let rtl_cmp_of_cfg_expr (e: expr) =
match e with
| Ebinop (b, e1, e2) -> (match is_cmp_op b with | None -> (Rcne, e, Eint 0) | Some rop -> (rop, e1, e2))
| Ebinop (b, e1, e2) ->
(match is_cmp_op b with
| None -> (Rcne, e, Eint 0)
| Some rop -> (rop, e1, e2))
| _ -> (Rcne, e, Eint 0)
......@@ -87,3 +92,9 @@ let rtl_of_gdef funname = function
Gfun f -> Gfun (rtl_instrs_of_cfg_fun funname f)
let rtl_of_cfg cp = (fun (s, gd) -> (s, rtl_of_gdef s gd)) cp
let pass_rtl_gen cfg =
let rtl = rtl_of_cfg cfg in
dump !rtl_dump dump_rtl_prog rtl
(fun file () -> add_to_report "rtl" "RTL" (Code (file_contents file)));
OK rtl
......@@ -17,8 +17,15 @@ let print_cmpop (r: rtl_cmp) =
| Rceq -> "=="
| Rcne -> "!=")
let dump_rtl_instr name (live_in, live_out) oc (i: rtl_instr) =
let dump_rtl_instr name (live_in, live_out) ?(endl="\n") oc (i: rtl_instr) =
let print_node s = Format.sprintf "%s_%d" name s in
let dump_liveness live where =
match live with
Some live -> Format.fprintf oc "// Live %s : { %s }\n" where (String.concat ", " (Set.to_list ( string_of_int live)))
| None -> ()
dump_liveness live_in "before";
begin match i with
| Rbinop (b, rd, rs1, rs2) ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s <- %s(%s, %s)" (print_reg rd) (dump_binop b) (print_reg rs1) (print_reg rs2)
......@@ -35,7 +42,8 @@ let dump_rtl_instr name (live_in, live_out) oc (i: rtl_instr) =
| Rprint r -> Format.fprintf oc "print %s" (print_reg r)
| Rlabel n -> Format.fprintf oc "%s_%d:" name n
Format.fprintf oc "\n"
Format.fprintf oc "%s" endl;
dump_liveness live_out "after"
let dump_rtl_node name lives =
print_listi (fun i ->
......@@ -44,6 +52,7 @@ let dump_rtl_node name lives =
None -> (None, None)
| Some (lin, lout) ->
Hashtbl.find_option lin i, Hashtbl.find_option lout i)
) "" "" ""
let dump_rtl_fun oc rtlfunname ({ rtlfunargs; rtlfunbody; rtlfunentry }: rtl_fun) =
open BatPrintf
open Batteries
open Utils
let string_of_position pos =
let open Lexing in
......@@ -55,6 +53,7 @@ type token =
| SYM_INCLUDE of string
let string_of_symbol = function
......@@ -103,3 +102,4 @@ let string_of_symbol = function
| SYM_INCLUDE(s) -> Printf.sprintf "SYM_INCLUDE(%s)" s
open E_regexp
open Lexer_generator
open Batteries
open Utils
open Symbols
let nfa_accepts (n: nfa) (w: char list) : bool =
let rec trav vis s =
if Set.mem s vis then vis
else let en = List.filter_map (fun (oa, n) -> if oa = None then Some n else None) (n.nfa_step s) in
List.fold_left trav (Set.add s vis) en in
let ec s = trav Set.empty s in
let ecs ls = Set.fold (fun q -> Set.union (ec q)) ls Set.empty in
let rec walk (q: int set) (w: char list) =
let q = ecs q in
match w with
| [] -> Set.exists (fun q -> List.mem q ( fst n.nfa_final)) q
| c::w ->
let q' =
Set.fold Set.union ( (fun q ->
(fun (cso,q') ->
match cso with
| None -> None
| Some cs -> if Set.mem c cs then Some q' else None
(n.nfa_step q)) |> Set.of_list
) q) Set.empty
in walk q' w in
walk (Set.of_list n.nfa_initial) w
let () =
let regexp_list = [
(keyword_regexp "while", fun s -> Some (SYM_WHILE));
(keyword_regexp "if", fun s -> Some (SYM_IF));
fun s -> Some (SYM_IDENTIFIER s));
] in
(* Décommentez la ligne suivante pour tester sur la vraie liste d'expressions
régulières. *)
(* let regexp_list = list_regexp in *)
(fun i (rg, _) -> Printf.printf "%d: %s\n" i (string_of_regexp rg))
let nfa = nfa_of_list_regexp regexp_list in
Printf.printf "%s\n" (nfa_to_string nfa);
let oc = open_out "/tmp/" in
nfa_to_dot oc nfa;
close_out oc;
let dfa = dfa_of_nfa nfa in
let oc = open_out "/tmp/" in
dfa_to_dot oc dfa alphabet;
close_out oc;
let n =
nfa_states = [1; 2; 3; 4] ;
nfa_initial = [1] ;
nfa_final = [(3, fun s -> None); (4, fun s -> None)];
nfa_step = fun q ->
match q with
| 1 -> [(Some (Set.singleton '0'), 2); (None, 3)]
| 2 -> [(Some (Set.singleton '1'), 2); (Some (Set.singleton '1'), 4)]
| 3 -> [(Some (Set.singleton '0'), 4); (None, 2)]
| 4 -> [(Some (Set.singleton '0'), 2)]
| _ -> []
} in
let expect_set str s_got s_exp =
if Set.equal s_got s_exp
then Printf.printf "[OK] %s\n" str
else Printf.printf "[KO] %s : got %s, expected %s\n" str (string_of_int_set s_got)
(string_of_int_set s_exp) in
let ec1 = epsilon_closure n 1 in
let ec2 = epsilon_closure n 2 in
let ec3 = epsilon_closure n 3 in
let ec4 = epsilon_closure n 4 in
expect_set "epsilon_closure 1" ec1 (Set.of_list [1;2;3]);
expect_set "epsilon_closure 2" ec2 (Set.of_list [2]);
expect_set "epsilon_closure 3" ec3 (Set.of_list [2;3]);
expect_set "epsilon_closure 4" ec4 (Set.of_list [4]);
expect_set "dfa_initial_state" (dfa_initial_state n) (Set.of_list [1;2;3]);
let string_of_opt_tok ot =
match ot with
None -> "None"
| Some t -> Printf.sprintf "Some (%s)" (string_of_symbol t)
let expect_token_option str to_got to_exp =
if to_got = to_exp
then Printf.printf "[OK] %s\n" str
else Printf.printf "[KO] %s : got %s, expected %s\n" str (string_of_opt_tok to_got)
(string_of_opt_tok to_exp)
expect_token_option "min_priority 1" (min_priority [SYM_EOF; SYM_IDENTIFIER "bla"; SYM_WHILE]) (Some SYM_WHILE);
expect_token_option "min_priority 2" (min_priority [SYM_EOF; SYM_IDENTIFIER "bla"]) (Some (SYM_IDENTIFIER "bla"));
expect_token_option "min_priority 3" (min_priority [SYM_EOF; SYM_WHILE]) (Some SYM_WHILE);
expect_token_option "min_priority 4" (min_priority []) None;
let set_incl s1 s2 =
Set.for_all (fun s -> Set.exists (Set.equal s) s2) s1
let set_eq s1 s2 = set_incl s1 s2 && set_incl s2 s1 in
let string_of_int_set_set s = (fun s ->
Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat "," (Set.to_list ( string_of_int s)))
) s
|> Set.to_list
|> String.concat ", "
|> Printf.sprintf "{%s}"
let expect_set_set str (set_got : int set set) (set_exp : int set set) =
if set_eq set_got set_exp
then Printf.printf "[OK] %s\n" str
else Printf.printf "[KO] %s : got %s, expected %s\n" str
(string_of_int_set_set set_got)
(string_of_int_set_set set_exp)
let table = Hashtbl.create 10 in
build_dfa_table table n (dfa_initial_state n);
expect_set_set "dfa states" (Hashtbl.keys table |> Set.of_enum) (Set.of_list [Set.of_list [1;2;3]; Set.of_list [2;4]; Set.of_list [2]]);
let expect_nfa_accepts n s b =
let r = nfa_accepts n (char_list_of_string s) in
if r = b
then Printf.printf "[OK] nfa_accepts %s = %b\n" s r
else Printf.printf "[KO] nfa_accepts %s = %b\n" s r
Printf.printf "*** NFA n1 : 'hello'\n";
let n1, f1 = nfa_of_regexp (keyword_regexp "hello") 1 (fun _ -> None) in
expect_nfa_accepts n1 "hello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n1 "bonjour" false;
Printf.printf "*** NFA n2 : 'bonjour'\n";
let n2, f2 = nfa_of_regexp (keyword_regexp "bonjour") f1 (fun _ -> None) in
expect_nfa_accepts n2 "hello" false;
expect_nfa_accepts n2 "bonjour" true;
Printf.printf "*** NFA n3 : n1 | n2\n";
let n3 = alt_nfa n1 n2 in
expect_nfa_accepts n3 "hello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n3 "bonjour" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n2 "buongiorno" false;
Printf.printf "*** NFA n4 : n1 . n2 \n";
let n4 = cat_nfa n1 n2 in
expect_nfa_accepts n4 "hello" false;
expect_nfa_accepts n4 "bonjour" false;
expect_nfa_accepts n4 "hellobonjour" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n4 "bonjourhello" false;
Printf.printf "*** NFA n5 : n1* \n";
let n5 = star_nfa n1 (fun _ -> None) in
expect_nfa_accepts n5 "" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n5 "hello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n5 "hellohello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n5 "hellobonjour" false;
Printf.printf "*** NFA n6 : n3* \n";
let n6 = star_nfa n3 (fun _ -> None) in
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "hello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "hellohello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "hellobonjour" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "hellobonjourhello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "bonjourbonjourbonjourhello" true;
expect_nfa_accepts n6 "bonjlo" false;
ignore f2
open Batteries
open Lexer_generator
open Report
open Utils
open Options
open Symbols
let tokenize_handwritten file =
Printf.printf "Handwritten lexer\n";
Lexer_generator.tokenize_file file >>= fun tokens ->
OK ( (fun tok -> (tok, None)) tokens)
let tokenize_ocamllex file =
Printf.printf "OCamlLex lexer\n";
let ic = open_in file in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = file };
let rec get_symbols () =
let s = Lexer.token lexbuf in
let ss = (s, Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf) in
if s = SYM_EOF
then [ss]
else ss :: get_symbols ()
let l = get_symbols () in
close_in ic;
OK ( (fun (tok, pos) -> (tok, Some pos)) l)
let tokenize file =
if !Options.handwritten_lexer
then tokenize_handwritten file
else tokenize_ocamllex file
let pass_tokenize file =
tokenize file >>* (fun msg ->
record_compile_result ~error:(Some msg) "Lexing";
Error msg
) $ fun tokens ->
record_compile_result "Lexing";
dump !show_tokens (fun oc tokens ->
List.iter (fun (tok,_) ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s\n" (string_of_symbol tok)
) tokens) tokens (fun f () -> add_to_report "lexer" "Lexer" (Code (file_contents f)));
OK tokens
open Batteries
open BatPrintf
open BatBuffer
open BatList
......@@ -74,8 +73,6 @@ let write_mem_bytes mem addr bl =
with _ -> Error (Format.sprintf "Problem when writing mem at address %d\n" ofs)
) (OK [])
(* let write_mem_int mem addr v =
* split_bytes !Archi.wordsize v |> rev |> write_mem_bytes mem addr *)
let write_mem_char mem addr c = write_mem_bytes mem addr [c]
......@@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ let read_mem_bytes_as_int mem addr n =
let read_mem_int mem addr =
read_mem_bytes_as_int mem addr !Archi.wordsize
read_mem_bytes_as_int mem addr (Archi.wordsize ())
let read_mem_char mem addr =
read_mem_bytes mem addr 1 >>= fun bl ->
......@@ -133,29 +130,30 @@ module Mem : sig
val write_log : t -> unit -> (int * int) list
end = struct
type t = int array * int list ref * (int * int) list ref
let write_bytes (m,rl,wl) addr bytes =
write_mem_bytes m addr bytes >>= fun w -> wl := !wl @ w; OK ()
let write_char (m,rl,wl) addr c =
write_mem_char m addr c >>= fun w -> wl := !wl @ w; OK ()
let read_bytes (m,rl,wl) addr len =
let write_bytes (m,_,wl) addr bytes =
write_mem_bytes m addr bytes >>= fun w ->
wl := w @ !wl; OK ()
let write_char (m,_,wl) addr c =
write_mem_char m addr c >>= fun w -> wl := w @ !wl; OK ()
let read_bytes (m,rl,_) addr len =
read_mem_bytes m addr len >>= fun (vl,addrl) ->
rl := !rl @ addrl; OK vl
let read_bytes_as_int (m,rl,wl) addr len =
rl := addrl @ !rl ; OK vl
let read_bytes_as_int (m,rl,_) addr len =
read_mem_bytes_as_int m addr len >>= fun (v,addrl) ->
rl := !rl @ addrl; OK v
let read_char (m,rl,wl) addr =
rl := addrl @ !rl; OK v
let read_char (m,rl,_) addr =
read_mem_char m addr >>= fun (v,addrl) ->
rl := !rl @ addrl; OK v
rl := addrl @ !rl; OK v
let init n = Array.init n (fun _ -> 0), ref [], ref []
let read_log (_,rl,_) () = let r = !rl in rl := []; r
let write_log (_,_,wl) () = let w = !wl in wl := []; w
let read_log (_,rl,_) () = let r = !rl in rl := []; List.rev r
let write_log (_,_,wl) () = let w = !wl in wl := []; List.rev w
let assoc_opti k l =
let rec aux l n =
match l with
| [] -> None
| (a,v)::l when a = k -> Some (n, v)
| (a,v)::_ when a = k -> Some (n, v)
| _::l -> aux l (n+1)
aux l 0
......@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ let assoc_map_res f l =
OK (acc@[(k,v)])
) (OK []) l
let rec assoc_split fl fr l =
let assoc_split fl fr l =
let rec aux l (accl, accr) =
match l with
| [] -> (accl, accr)
......@@ -246,8 +244,104 @@ let list_map_res f l =
OK (acc@[e])
) (OK []) l
let list_map_resi f l =
List.fold_lefti (fun acc i e ->
acc >>= fun acc ->
f i e >>= fun e ->
OK (acc@[e])
) (OK []) l
let rec list_iter_res f l =
match l with
[] -> OK ()
| a::r ->
f a >>= fun _ ->
list_iter_res f r
let assoc_err ?word:(word="item") k l =
match List.assoc_opt k l with
| Some v -> OK v
| None -> Error (Format.sprintf "%s %s not found." word k)
let remove_dups l : 'a list =
List.fold_left (fun acc elt -> if List.mem elt acc then acc else elt::acc) [] l
let rec take n l =
if n = 0 then []
else match l with
| [] -> []
| a::r -> a::take (n-1) r
let char_list_of_string l : char list =
String.to_list l
let string_of_char_list cl =
String.of_list cl
let string_of_char_set s =
string_of_char_list (Set.to_list s)
let string_of_int_list l =
Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat "_" ( string_of_int l))
let string_of_int_set s =
string_of_int_list (Set.to_list s)
let string_of_string_set v =
String.concat ", " (Set.to_list v)
let string_of_int_int_set v =
String.concat ", " ( (fun (x,y) -> Printf.sprintf "(%d,%d)" x y) (Set.to_list v))
let string_of_int_option v =
match v with
| None -> "undef"
| Some x -> string_of_int x
let dump file (dumpf : _ -> 'a -> unit) (p: 'a) (additional_command: string -> unit -> unit) =
begin match file with
| None -> ()
| Some file ->
let oc, close =
if file = "-"
then (Format.std_formatter, fun _ -> ())
let oc = open_out file in
(Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc, fun () -> close_out oc)
dumpf oc p; close ();
if file <> "-" then additional_command file ()
let process_output_to_list2 = fun command ->
let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in
let res = ref ([] : string list) in
let rec process_otl_aux () =
let e = input_line chan in
res := e::!res;
process_otl_aux() in
try process_otl_aux ()
with End_of_file ->
let stat = Unix.close_process_in chan in (List.rev !res,stat)
let cmd_to_list command =
let (l,_) = process_output_to_list2 command in l
let file_contents file =
let ic = open_in file in
let rec aux s () =
let line = input_line ic in (* read line from in_channel and discard \n *)
aux (s ^ line ^ "\n") () (* close the input channel *)
with _ -> (* some unexpected exception occurs *)
close_in_noerr ic; (* emergency closing *)
s in
aux "" ()
| exception Sys_error _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Could not open file %s\n" file)
| x -> x
(* open Symbols *)
open Ast
%token SYM_EOF
%token<char> SYM_CHARACTER
%token<string> SYM_STRING
%token<string> SYM_INCLUDE
%token<string> SYM_IDENTIFIER
%token<int> SYM_INTEGER
%nonassoc UMINUS
%start main
%type <Ast.tree> main
| fundefs SYM_EOF { Node(Tlistglobdef, $1) }
| fundef fundefs { $1 :: $2 }
| { [] }
identifier SYM_LPARENTHESIS lparams SYM_RPARENTHESIS instr {
let fargs = $3 in
let instr = $5 in
Node (Tfundef, [$1; Node (Tfunargs, fargs) ; instr ])
SYM_IDENTIFIER { StringLeaf ($1) }
integer : SYM_INTEGER { IntLeaf ($1) };
lparams :
identifier rest_params { Node (Targ, [$1]) :: $2 }
| { [] };
rest_params :
SYM_COMMA identifier rest_params {
Node (Targ, [$2]) :: $3
| { [] };
instrs :
| instr instrs { $1 :: $2 }
| { [] };
linstrs :
SYM_LBRACE instrs SYM_RBRACE { Node (Tblock, $2) };
instr :
identifier SYM_ASSIGN expr SYM_SEMICOLON {
Node (Tassign, [Node (Tassignvar,[$1; $3])])
| SYM_IF SYM_LPARENTHESIS expr SYM_RPARENTHESIS linstrs ntelse { Node (Tif, [$3; $5; $6]) }
| SYM_WHILE SYM_LPARENTHESIS expr SYM_RPARENTHESIS instr { Node( Twhile, [$3; $5]) }
| SYM_RETURN expr SYM_SEMICOLON { Node(Treturn, [$2]) }
| SYM_PRINT expr SYM_SEMICOLON { Node(Tprint, [$2]) }
| linstrs { $1 };
ntelse :
SYM_ELSE linstrs { $2 }
| { Node(Tblock, []) };
expr :
| expr SYM_EQUALITY expr { Node (Tceq, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_NOTEQ expr { Node (Tne, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_PLUS expr { Node (Tadd, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_MINUS expr { Node (Tsub, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_ASTERISK expr { Node (Tmul, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_DIV expr { Node (Tdiv, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_MOD expr { Node (Tmod, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_LT expr { Node (Tclt, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_GT expr { Node (Tcgt, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_LEQ expr { Node (Tcle, [$1; $3]) }
| expr SYM_GEQ expr { Node (Tcge, [$1; $3]) }
| SYM_MINUS expr %prec UMINUS { Node (Tneg, [$2])}
| integer { Node(Tint, [$1])}
| identifier { $1 }
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.