K=kernel U=user OBJS = \ $K/entry.o \ $K/start.o \ $K/console.o \ $K/printf.o \ $K/uart.o \ $K/kalloc.o \ $K/spinlock.o \ $K/string.o \ $K/main.o \ $K/vm.o \ $K/proc.o \ $K/swtch.o \ $K/trampoline.o \ $K/trap.o \ $K/syscall.o \ $K/sysproc.o \ $K/bio.o \ $K/fs.o \ $K/log.o \ $K/sleeplock.o \ $K/file.o \ $K/pipe.o \ $K/exec.o \ $K/sysfile.o \ $K/kernelvec.o \ $K/plic.o \ $K/virtio_disk.o \ $K/buddy.o \ $K/list.o \ $K/watchdog.o # riscv64-unknown-elf- or riscv64-linux-gnu- # perhaps in /opt/riscv/bin #TOOLPREFIX = # Try to infer the correct TOOLPREFIX if not set ifndef TOOLPREFIX TOOLPREFIX := $(shell if riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -i 2>&1 | grep 'elf64-big' >/dev/null 2>&1; \ then echo 'riscv64-unknown-elf-'; \ elif riscv64-linux-gnu-objdump -i 2>&1 | grep 'elf64-big' >/dev/null 2>&1; \ then echo 'riscv64-linux-gnu-'; \ else echo "***" 1>&2; \ echo "*** Error: Couldn't find an riscv64 version of GCC/binutils." 1>&2; \ echo "*** To turn off this error, run 'gmake TOOLPREFIX= ...'." 1>&2; \ echo "***" 1>&2; exit 1; fi) endif QEMU = qemu-system-riscv64 CC = $(TOOLPREFIX)gcc AS = $(TOOLPREFIX)gas LD = $(TOOLPREFIX)ld OBJCOPY = $(TOOLPREFIX)objcopy OBJDUMP = $(TOOLPREFIX)objdump CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror -O -fno-omit-frame-pointer -ggdb CFLAGS += -MD CFLAGS += -mcmodel=medany CFLAGS += -ffreestanding -fno-common -nostdlib -mno-relax CFLAGS += -I. CFLAGS += $(shell $(CC) -fno-stack-protector -E -x c /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -fno-stack-protector) # Disable PIE when possible (for Ubuntu 16.10 toolchain) ifneq ($(shell $(CC) -dumpspecs 2>/dev/null | grep -e '[^f]no-pie'),) CFLAGS += -fno-pie -no-pie endif ifneq ($(shell $(CC) -dumpspecs 2>/dev/null | grep -e '[^f]nopie'),) CFLAGS += -fno-pie -nopie endif LDFLAGS = -z max-page-size=4096 $K/kernel: $(OBJS) $K/kernel.ld $U/initcode $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T $K/kernel.ld -o $K/kernel $(OBJS) $(OBJDUMP) -S $K/kernel > $K/kernel.asm $(OBJDUMP) -t $K/kernel | sed '1,/SYMBOL TABLE/d; s/ .* / /; /^$$/d' > $K/kernel.sym $U/initcode: $U/initcode.S $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -nostdinc -I. -Ikernel -c $U/initcode.S -o $U/initcode.o $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e start -Ttext 0 -o $U/initcode.out $U/initcode.o $(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary $U/initcode.out $U/initcode $(OBJDUMP) -S $U/initcode.o > $U/initcode.asm tags: $(OBJS) _init etags *.S *.c ULIB = $U/ulib.o $U/usys.o $U/printf.o $U/umalloc.o _%: %.o $(ULIB) # $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e main -Ttext 0 -o $@ $^ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Tuser/link.ld -e main -o $@ $^ $(OBJDUMP) -S $@ > $*.asm $(OBJDUMP) -t $@ | sed '1,/SYMBOL TABLE/d; s/ .* / /; /^$$/d' > $*.sym $U/usys.S : $U/usys.pl perl $U/usys.pl > $U/usys.S $U/usys.o : $U/usys.S $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $U/usys.o $U/usys.S $U/_forktest: $U/forktest.o $(ULIB) # forktest has less library code linked in - needs to be small # in order to be able to max out the proc table. $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e main -Ttext 0 -o $U/_forktest $U/forktest.o $U/ulib.o $U/usys.o $U/umalloc.o $U/printf.o $(OBJDUMP) -S $U/_forktest > $U/forktest.asm $U/_uthread: $U/uthread.o $U/uthread_switch.o $(ULIB) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e main -Ttext 0 -o $U/_uthread $U/uthread.o $U/uthread_switch.o $(ULIB) $(OBJDUMP) -S $U/_uthread > $U/uthread.asm mkfs/mkfs: mkfs/mkfs.c $K/fs.h gcc -Werror -Wall -I. -o mkfs/mkfs mkfs/mkfs.c # Prevent deletion of intermediate files, e.g. cat.o, after first build, so # that disk image changes after first build are persistent until clean. More # details: # http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Chained-Rules.html .PRECIOUS: %.o UPROGS=\ $U/_cat\ $U/_echo\ $U/_forktest\ $U/_grep\ $U/_init\ $U/_kill\ $U/_ln\ $U/_ls\ $U/_mkdir\ $U/_rm\ $U/_sh\ $U/_usertests\ $U/_wc\ $U/_zombie\ $U/_call\ $U/_print\ $U/_nice\ $U/_prints\ $U/_nice-exit\ $U/_mutest\ $U/_mutest2\ $U/_rocky\ $U/_watchdog-panic\ $U/_sbrk-dealloc\ $U/_suicide\ $U/_rwtest\ $U/_naivefib\ $U/_stack-exec\ fs.img: mkfs/mkfs README $(UPROGS) mkfs/mkfs fs.img README $(UPROGS) -include kernel/*.d user/*.d clean: rm -f *.tex *.dvi *.idx *.aux *.log *.ind *.ilg \ */*.o */*.d */*.asm */*.sym \ $U/initcode $U/initcode.out $K/kernel fs.img \ mkfs/mkfs .gdbinit \ $U/usys.S \ $(UPROGS) # try to generate a unique GDB port GDBPORT = $(shell expr `id -u` % 5000 + 25000) # QEMU's gdb stub command line changed in 0.11 QEMUGDB = $(shell if $(QEMU) -help | grep -q '^-gdb'; \ then echo "-gdb tcp::$(GDBPORT)"; \ else echo "-s -p $(GDBPORT)"; fi) ifndef CPUS CPUS := 3 endif QEMUEXTRA = QEMUOPTS = -machine virt -bios none -kernel $K/kernel -m 128M -smp $(CPUS) -nographic QEMUOPTS += -drive file=fs.img,if=none,format=raw,id=x0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0,bus=virtio-mmio-bus.0 QEMUOPTS += -monitor telnet:,server,nowait qemu: $K/kernel fs.img $(QEMU) $(QEMUOPTS) .gdbinit: .gdbinit.tmpl-riscv sed "s/:1234/:$(GDBPORT)/" < $^ > $@ qemu-gdb: $K/kernel .gdbinit fs.img @echo "*** Now run 'gdb' in another window." 1>&2 $(QEMU) $(QEMUOPTS) -S $(QEMUGDB) ## ## FOR submitting lab solutions ## -include conf/lab.mk ifneq ($(V),@) GRADEFLAGS += -v endif print-gdbport: @echo $(GDBPORT) grade: @echo $(MAKE) clean @$(MAKE) clean || \ (echo "'make clean' failed. HINT: Do you have another running instance of xv6?" && exit 1) ./grade-lab-$(LAB) $(GRADEFLAGS) WEBSUB := https://6828.scripts.mit.edu/2019/handin.py handin: tarball-pref myapi.key @SUF=$(LAB); \ curl -f -F file=@lab-$$SUF-handin.tar.gz -F key=\<myapi.key $(WEBSUB)/upload \ > /dev/null || { \ echo ; \ echo Submit seems to have failed.; \ echo Please go to $(WEBSUB)/ and upload the tarball manually.; } handin-check: @if ! test -d .git; then \ echo No .git directory, is this a git repository?; \ false; \ fi @if test "$$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" != refs/heads/$(LAB); then \ git branch; \ read -p "You are not on the $(LAB) branch. Hand-in the current branch? [y/N] " r; \ test "$$r" = y; \ fi @if ! git diff-files --quiet || ! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD; then \ git status -s; \ echo; \ echo "You have uncomitted changes. Please commit or stash them."; \ false; \ fi @if test -n "`git status -s`"; then \ git status -s; \ read -p "Untracked files will not be handed in. Continue? [y/N] " r; \ test "$$r" = y; \ fi UPSTREAM := $(shell git remote -v | grep -m 1 "mit-pdos/xv6-riscv-fall19" | awk '{split($$0,a," "); print a[1]}') tarball: handin-check git archive --format=tar HEAD | gzip > lab-$(LAB)-handin.tar.gz tarball-pref: handin-check @SUF=$(LAB); \ git archive --format=tar HEAD > lab-$$SUF-handin.tar; \ git diff $(UPSTREAM)/$(LAB) > /tmp/lab-$$SUF-diff.patch; \ tar -rf lab-$$SUF-handin.tar /tmp/lab-$$SUF-diff.patch; \ gzip -c lab-$$SUF-handin.tar > lab-$$SUF-handin.tar.gz; \ rm lab-$$SUF-handin.tar; \ rm /tmp/lab-$$SUF-diff.patch; \ myapi.key: @echo Get an API key for yourself by visiting $(WEBSUB)/ @read -p "Please enter your API key: " k; \ if test `echo "$$k" |tr -d '\n' |wc -c` = 32 ; then \ TF=`mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXX`; \ if test "x$$TF" != "x" ; then \ echo "$$k" |tr -d '\n' > $$TF; \ mv -f $$TF $@; \ else \ echo mktemp failed; \ false; \ fi; \ else \ echo Bad API key: $$k; \ echo An API key should be 32 characters long.; \ false; \ fi; .PHONY: handin tarball tarball-pref clean grade handin-check