diff --git a/dataloader.py b/dataloader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cd159e44c0e6eb68dae0c91740dae3e2ecc2ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dataloader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Standard imports
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import pathlib
+from typing import Union
+import struct
+from datetime import datetime
+# import multiprocessing
+from multiprocessing import Lock
+# from multiprocessing.synchronize import Lock
+# External imports
+import numpy as np
+import tqdm
+import torch
+import torch.utils.data as data
+# Imports from the project
+from dataset import Dataset
+_DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILEPATH = "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2010-2016-training.nc.bin"
+    "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2017-testing.nc.bin"
+_ENCODING_INDEX = "I"  # h(short) with 2 bytes should be sufficient
+def train_valid_split(
+    dataset,
+    valid_ratio,
+    train_subset_filepath,
+    valid_subset_filepath,
+    max_num_samples=None,
+    """
+    Generates two splits of 1-valid_ratio and valid_ratio fractions
+    Takes 2 minutes for generating the splits for 50M datapoints
+    For smalls sets, we could use indices in main memory with
+    torch.utils.data.Subset
+    """
+    N = len(dataset)
+    if max_num_samples is not None:
+        pkeep = max_num_samples / N
+        Nvalid = int(valid_ratio * max_num_samples)/1000000
+        Ntrain = max_num_samples - Nvalid
+        ptrain = Ntrain / max_num_samples
+    else:
+        pkeep = 1.0
+        Nvalid = int(valid_ratio * N)
+        Ntrain = N - Nvalid
+        ptrain = Ntrain / N
+    ftrain = open(train_subset_filepath, "wb")
+    fvalid = open(valid_subset_filepath, "wb")
+    gen = np.random.default_rng()
+    logging.info(f"Generating the subset files from {N} samples")
+    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(N)):
+        if gen.uniform() < pkeep:
+            if gen.uniform() < ptrain:
+                ftrain.write(struct.pack(_ENCODING_ENDIAN + _ENCODING_LINEAR, i))
+            else:
+                fvalid.write(struct.pack(_ENCODING_ENDIAN + _ENCODING_LINEAR, i))
+    fvalid.close()
+    ftrain.close()
+def get_dataloaders(
+    filepath,
+    num_days,
+    batch_size,
+    num_workers,
+    pin_memory,
+    valid_ratio,
+    overwrite_index=True,
+    train_transform=None,
+    train_target_transform=None,
+    valid_transform=None,
+    valid_target_transform=None,
+    max_num_samples=None,
+    logging.info("= Dataloaders")
+    # Load the base dataset
+    logging.info("  - Dataset creation")
+    dataset = Dataset(
+        filepath, train=True, overwrite_index=overwrite_index, num_days=num_days
+    )
+    logging.info(f"  - Loaded a dataset with {len(dataset)} samples")
+    # Split the number of samples in each fold
+    logging.info("  - Splitting the data in training and validation sets")
+    train_subset_file = "train_indices.subset"
+    valid_subset_file = "valid_indices.subset"
+    train_valid_split(
+        dataset, valid_ratio, train_subset_file, valid_subset_file, max_num_samples
+    )
+    logging.info("  - Subset dataset")
+    train_dataset = Dataset(
+        filepath,
+        subset_file=train_subset_file,
+        transform=train_transform,
+        target_transform=train_target_transform,
+        num_days=num_days,
+    )
+    valid_dataset = Dataset(
+        filepath,
+        subset_file=valid_subset_file,
+        transform=valid_transform,
+        target_transform=valid_target_transform,
+        num_days=num_days,
+    )
+    # The sum of the two folds are not expected to be exactly of
+    # max_num_samples
+    logging.info(f"  - The train fold has {len(train_dataset)} samples")
+    logging.info(f"  - The valid fold has {len(valid_dataset)} samples")
+    # Build the dataloaders
+    train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+        train_dataset,
+        batch_size=batch_size,
+        shuffle=True,
+        num_workers=num_workers,
+        pin_memory=pin_memory,
+    )
+    valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+        valid_dataset,
+        batch_size=batch_size,
+        shuffle=False,
+        num_workers=num_workers,
+        pin_memory=pin_memory,
+    )
+    return train_loader, valid_loader
+def get_test_dataloader(
+    filepath,
+    num_days,
+    batch_size,
+    num_workers,
+    pin_memory,
+    overwrite_index=True,
+    transform=None,
+    target_transform=None,
+    logging.info("= Dataloaders")
+    # Load the base dataset
+    logging.info("  - Dataset creation")
+    test_dataset = Dataset(
+        filepath,
+        train=False,
+        transform=transform,
+        target_transform=target_transform,
+        num_days=num_days,
+        overwrite_index=overwrite_index,
+    )
+    logging.info(f"I loaded {len(test_dataset)} values in the test set")
+    # Build the dataloader, be carefull not to shuffle the data
+    # to ensure we keep the
+    test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+        test_dataset,
+        batch_size=batch_size,
+        shuffle=False,
+        num_workers=num_workers,
+        pin_memory=pin_memory,
+    )
+    return test_loader
diff --git a/dataset.py b/dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c814c97de8e6b745186eaef44430fbc0b776c5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# Standard imports
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+import pathlib
+from typing import Union
+import struct
+from datetime import datetime
+# import multiprocessing
+from multiprocessing import Lock
+# from multiprocessing.synchronize import Lock
+# External imports
+import numpy as np
+import tqdm
+import torch
+import torch.utils.data as data
+_DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILEPATH = "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2010-2016-training.nc.bin"
+    "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2017-testing.nc.bin"
+_ENCODING_INDEX = "I"  # h(short) with 2 bytes should be sufficient
+class Dataset(data.Dataset):
+    """
+    Dataset for training a predictor predicting the phytoplankton
+    density from (a series of) environmental variables
+    + time + depth + latitude + longitude
+    This dataset contains 50 154 984 valid data points
+    sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2010-2016-training.nc.bin
+    Generating the index takes approximately 20 seconds
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        filepath: Union[pathlib.Path, str],
+        overwrite_index: bool = False,
+        train=True,
+        subset_file=None,
+        num_days=1,
+        transform=None,
+        target_transform=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Builds a pointdataset generating the index if necessary or requested
+        Arguments:
+            filepath: the full path to the nc file to load
+            overwrite_index: if True ignores the index and regenerates it
+            train: if True, accessing an element also returns the phyc
+            subset_file: a filename which holds a list of indices this dataset must use
+            num_days: the number of days that each sample considers
+            transform: a transform to apply to the input tensor
+            target_transform: a transform to apply to the phyc output tensor
+        """
+        super().__init__()
+        if isinstance(filepath, str):
+            filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath)
+        self.filepath = filepath
+        # Load the dataset. It can be indexed by [lat, long, depth, time]
+        self.fp = open(filepath, "rb")
+        # self.fp.close()
+        self.fp_lock = Lock()
+        # List all the environmental variables
+        # To which we could add time, depth, latitude, longitude
+        self.in_variables = [
+            "dissic",
+            "mlotst",
+            "nh4",
+            "no3",
+            "nppv",
+            "o2",
+            "ph",
+            "po4",
+            "so",
+            "talk",
+            "thetao",
+            "uo",
+            "vo",
+            "zos",
+            # "phyc",
+        ]
+        self.train = train
+        if self.train:
+            self.out_variable = "phyc"
+        # Store the size of the timeseries, in days
+        self.num_days = num_days
+        # Set up the format of a row
+        self.row_format = (
+            "?" + "f" * len(self.in_variables) + ("f" if self.train else "")
+        )
+        self.row_size = struct.calcsize(_ENCODING_ENDIAN + self.row_format)
+        # Load the header of the file for the dimension variables
+        # Local utilitary function to parse the header
+        def _read_dim(fp, offset, base_format, lock):
+            fmt = _ENCODING_ENDIAN + "i"
+            (dim, nbytes_dim) = read_bin_data(fp, offset, os.SEEK_SET, fmt, lock)
+            dim = dim[0]  # the returned values is a tuple
+            offset += nbytes_dim
+            fmt = _ENCODING_ENDIAN + (base_format * dim)
+            (values, nbytes_values) = read_bin_data(fp, offset, os.SEEK_SET, fmt, lock)
+            return dim, np.array(values), nbytes_dim + nbytes_values
+        self.header_offset = 0
+        self.nlatitudes, self.latitudes, nbytes = _read_dim(
+            self.fp, self.header_offset, "f", self.fp_lock
+        )
+        self.header_offset += nbytes
+        self.nlongitudes, self.longitudes, nbytes = _read_dim(
+            self.fp, self.header_offset, "f", self.fp_lock
+        )
+        self.header_offset += nbytes
+        self.ndepths, self.depths, nbytes = _read_dim(
+            self.fp, self.header_offset, "f", self.fp_lock
+        )
+        self.header_offset += nbytes
+        self.ntimes, self.times, nbytes = _read_dim(
+            self.fp, self.header_offset, "i", self.fp_lock
+        )
+        # If we need to convert timestamps to datetimes
+        # self.dtimes = np.array([datetime.fromtimestamp(di) for di in dtimes.tolist()])
+        self.header_offset += nbytes
+        self.lat_chunk_size = self.nlongitudes * self.ndepths * self.ntimes
+        self.lon_chunk_size = self.ndepths * self.ntimes
+        self.depth_chunk_size = self.ntimes
+        logging.info(
+            f"The loaded dataset contains {self.nlatitudes} latitudes, {self.nlongitudes} longitudes, {self.ndepths} depths and {self.ntimes} time points"
+        )
+        # We store an index which maps a linear index of valid measures
+        # (i.e. excluding points where there is no phytoplankton record)
+        # to the byte offset in the data file
+        self._index_file = None
+        self._index_lock = Lock()
+        self._load_index(filepath.name, overwrite_index)
+        # The subset map is a filehandler to a file
+        # where the i-th row contains the i-th index in the original dataset
+        self._subset_map = None
+        if subset_file is not None:
+            self._subset_lock = Lock()
+            self._load_subset_index(subset_file)
+        self.transform = transform
+        self.target_transform = target_transform
+    def _generate_index(self, indexpath):
+        """
+        Generate an index for the binary data file
+        which maps the linear index to the original data file offset
+        and 4D indices of valid measures
+        Note we only index valid measures, i.e. excluding coast, etc..
+        Generating the index takes around 2 minutes for 50M samples
+        """
+        fp = open(self.filepath, "rb")
+        with open(indexpath, "wb") as fhindex:
+            linear_index = 0
+            # Rewind the file handler to just after the header
+            fp.seek(self.header_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
+            for ilatitude in tqdm.tqdm(range(self.nlatitudes)):
+                for ilongitude in range(self.nlongitudes):
+                    for idepth in range(self.ndepths):
+                        # No need to iterate over time
+                        # only latitude x longitude x depth
+                        # specify a valid or invalid location
+                        t0_offset = (
+                            self.header_offset
+                            + (
+                                ilatitude * self.lat_chunk_size
+                                + ilongitude * self.lon_chunk_size
+                                + idepth * self.depth_chunk_size
+                            )
+                            * self.row_size
+                        )
+                        fp.seek(t0_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
+                        # Just read the 'valid' field
+                        (is_valid,) = struct.unpack(
+                            "<?", fp.read(struct.calcsize("<?"))
+                        )
+                        # If the location is valid
+                        # we record all the time samples
+                        if is_valid:
+                            for dt in range(
+                                0, self.ntimes - self.num_days + 1, self.num_days
+                            ):
+                                fileoffset = t0_offset + dt * self.row_size
+                                fmt = (
+                                    _ENCODING_ENDIAN
+                                    + (_ENCODING_LINEAR * 2)
+                                    + (_ENCODING_INDEX * 4)
+                                )
+                                write_bin_data(
+                                    fhindex,
+                                    fmt,
+                                    (
+                                        linear_index,
+                                        fileoffset,
+                                        ilatitude,
+                                        ilongitude,
+                                        idepth,
+                                        dt,
+                                    ),
+                                )
+                                linear_index += 1
+        fp.close()
+    def _load_index(self, basename: str, overwrite_index: bool):
+        """
+        Loads (and possibly compute) an index file
+        to convert a linear index idx to its corresponding
+        time, depth, latitude, longitude indices
+        Arguments:
+        """
+        indexpath = pathlib.Path(".") / f"{basename}_index.idx"
+        # Generate the index if necessary or requested
+        if not indexpath.exists() or overwrite_index:
+            logging.info("Generating the index")
+            self._generate_index(indexpath)
+        # And then load the index
+        logging.info(f"Loading the index from {indexpath}")
+        self._index_file = open(indexpath, "rb")
+    def _load_subset_index(self, subsetpath):
+        self._subset_map = open(subsetpath, "rb")
+    def _get_fileoffset(self, idx):
+        whence = 0 if idx >= 0 else 2
+        offset = idx * struct.calcsize(fmt)
+        (values, _) = read_bin_data(
+            self._index_file, offset, whence, fmt, self._index_lock
+        )
+        linidx = values[0]
+        file_offset = values[1]
+        tab_indices = values[2:]
+        return linidx, file_offset, tab_indices
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        """
+        Access the i-th measure
+        Return an array of size (15,)+ time(?) + depth(?)+ lat(?) + lon(?) and the phyc to predict
+        """
+        # If we are processing a subet, convert the "idx" to the
+        # original dataset index
+        if self._subset_map is not None:
+            offset = idx * struct.calcsize(fmt)
+            (values, _) = read_bin_data(
+                self._subset_map, offset, os.SEEK_SET, fmt, self._subset_lock
+            )
+            idx = values[0]
+        # File offset for the i-th sample
+        _, file_offset, (ilatitude, ilongitude, idepth, itime) = self._get_fileoffset(
+            idx
+        )
+        values, _ = read_bin_data(
+            self.fp,
+            file_offset,
+            os.SEEK_SET,
+            _ENCODING_ENDIAN + (self.row_format * self.num_days),
+            self.fp_lock,
+        )
+        values = np.array(values).reshape((self.num_days, -1))
+        assert np.all(
+            values[:, 0]
+        )  # This is always expected to be True since only valid
+        # locations can be indexed with our generated index map
+        # Preprend the latitude, longitude, depth and time
+        # TODO Take the time to think about whether this is relevant !
+        coordinates = np.ones((self.num_days, 4))
+        # print(coordinates.shape, self.times[itime : (itime + self.num_days)])
+        coordinates[:, 0] *= self.latitudes[ilatitude]
+        coordinates[:, 1] *= self.longitudes[ilongitude]
+        coordinates[:, 2] *= self.depths[idepth]
+        coordinates[:, 3] = self.times[itime : (itime + self.num_days)]
+        # Stick the values with the coordinates
+        # This np array is now (num_days , num_coordinates + num_values)
+        values = np.hstack([coordinates, values[:, 1:]])
+        if self.train:
+            in_values = torch.Tensor(values[:, :-1])
+            out_values = torch.Tensor(values[:, -1])
+            if self.transform is not None:
+                in_values = self.transform(in_values)
+            if self.target_transform is not None:
+                out_values = self.target_transform(out_values)
+            return in_values, out_values
+        else:
+            in_values = torch.Tensor(values[:, :-1])
+            if self.transform is not None:
+                in_values = self.transform(in_values)
+            return in_values
+    def __len__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the total number of valid datapoints for this dataset
+        This corresponds to the length of the index or subset index
+        """
+        # If we are processing a subset, the size of the dataset
+        # is the size of the subset
+        if self._subset_map is not None:
+            subset_size = os.path.getsize(self._subset_map.name)
+            return subset_size // struct.calcsize(_ENCODING_ENDIAN + _ENCODING_LINEAR)
+        else:
+            # Access the last of the index file
+            # and get its linear index. This linear index is also
+            # the total number of "rows" minus 1 in the file
+            lin_idx, _, _ = self._get_fileoffset(-1)
+            return lin_idx + 1
+def write_bin_data(fp, fmt, values):
+    fp.write(struct.pack(fmt, *values))
+def read_bin_data(fp, offset, whence, fmt, lock):
+    # Unfortunately does not work
+    # If it worked, that would prevent to open/close
+    # the file repeatidly
+    # with lock:
+    with open(fp.name, "rb") as fp:
+        # values = struct.unpack_from(fmt, localfp, offset)
+        fp.seek(offset, whence)
+        nbytes = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+        values = struct.unpack(fmt, fp.read(nbytes))
+    return values, nbytes
diff --git a/debug.py b/debug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57961a826add76ca582946c5d7ae7ebde9a7e5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from dataset import Dataset
+_DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILEPATH = "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2010-2016-training.nc.bin"
+    "/mounts/Datasets3/2022-ChallengePlankton/sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2017-testing.nc.bin"
+idx ="sub_2CMEMS-MEDSEA-2010-2016-training.nc.bin_index.idx"
+data = Dataset(_DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILEPATH, False, True, idx, 1, None, None)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model.py b/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a376ef84c27aba6bda2179b717c1393631d6285d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch.autograd import Function
diff --git a/train_indices.subset b/train_indices.subset
index 4c46a39bd8c3ab02ef02ad4470cfeb9b521655ba..20e13c16236888ceacd42847424c1c598cbf0fc6 100644
Binary files a/train_indices.subset and b/train_indices.subset differ