open Str open List_utils open Lexing open Grammar_lexer open Grammar_parser_yacc open Grammar let print_position outx lexbuf = let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in Printf.fprintf outx "%s:%d:%d" pos.pos_fname pos.pos_lnum (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol + 1) let parse_with_error lexbuf = try main token lexbuf with | Error -> Printf.fprintf stderr "%a: syntax error\n" print_position lexbuf; exit (-1) let parse_grammar file : grammar * nonterm = let ic = open_in file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- {lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = file}; let gram : grammar = parse_with_error lexbuf in let (undefined_strings, used_strings) : string list * string list = List.fold_left (fun (undef, used) rule -> List.fold_left (fun (undef, used) prod -> let undef = if not (List.mem prod ( fst gram.tokens) || List.mem prod gram.nonterms || List.mem prod undef) then prod::undef else undef in let used = if List.mem prod used then used else prod::used in (undef, used) ) (undef, used) (rule.rule_prods) ) ([],[]) (gram.rules) in (* Error if undefined tokens or non-terminals are encountered *) if undefined_strings <> [] then (Printf.printf "Undefined tokens or non-terminals: %a\n" print_list undefined_strings; failwith "Undefined tokens or non-terminals"); match gram.axiom with | None -> failwith "No axiom was defined for the grammar.\n Aborting." | Some axiom -> (* Warn if some non terminals are never seen on the right hand side of a rule. *) let unused_nts = List.filter (fun nt -> not (List.mem nt used_strings) && Some nt <> gram.axiom) gram.nonterms in if unused_nts <> [] then Printf.printf "The following non-terminals are declared but never appear on the right hand-side of a rule:\n%a\n" print_list unused_nts; (* Warn if some tokens are never seen on the right hand side of a rule. *) let unused_toks = (List.filter_map (fun (t,_) -> if not (List.mem t used_strings) then Some t else None) gram.tokens) in if unused_toks <> [] then Printf.printf "The following tokens are declared but never appear on the right hand-side of a rule:\n%a\n" print_list unused_toks; let h : (nonterm , rule list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create (List.length gram.nonterms) in List.iter ( fun r -> match Hashtbl.find_opt h r.rule_nt with | None -> Hashtbl.add h r.rule_nt [r] | Some lp -> Hashtbl.replace h r.rule_nt (lp@[r]) ) (gram.rules); let rules = List.concat ( (fun n -> hashget_def h n []) gram.nonterms) in { gram with rules = rules }, axiom