open Batteries open BatList open Symbols open Parser open Ast open Elang open Elang_run open Elang_print open Elang_gen open Cfg open Cfg_run open Cfg_print open Cfg_gen open Cfg_constprop open Cfg_dead_assign open Cfg_nop_elim open Rtl open Rtl_run open Rtl_print open Rtl_gen open Linear open Linear_run open Linear_print open Linear_gen open Linear_liveness open Linear_dse open Ltl open Ltl_run open Ltl_print open Ltl_gen open Ltl_debug open Riscv open Utils open Archi open Report open Options open Lexer_generator let tokenize file = Lexer_generator.tokenize_file file >>= fun tokens -> OK ( (fun tok -> (tok, None)) tokens) let speclist = [ ("-show-tokens", Arg.String (fun s -> show_tokens := Some s), "Output the list of tokens recognized by the lexer."); ("-ast-tree", Arg.String (fun s -> ast_tree := Some s), "Output DOT file for dumping the tree."); ("-ast-dump", Arg.Set ast_dump, "Dumps the tree in textual form."); ("-e-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> e_dump := Some s), "Output Elang file."); ("-e-run", Arg.Set e_run, "Run Elang program."); ("-cfg-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> cfg_dump := Some s), "Output CFG file."); ("-cfg-run", Arg.Set cfg_run, "Run CFG program."); ("-cfg-run-after-cp", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_cp, "Run CFG program after constant propagation."); ("-cfg-run-after-dae", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_dae, "Run CFG program after dead assign elimination."); ("-cfg-run-after-ne", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_ne, "Run CFG program after nop elimination."); ("-rtl-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> rtl_dump := Some s), "Output RTL file."); ("-rtl-run", Arg.Set rtl_run, "Run RTL program."); ("-linear-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> linear_dump := Some s), "Output Linear file."); ("-linear-run", Arg.Set linear_run, "Run Linear program."); ("-linear-run-after-dse", Arg.Set linear_run_after_dse, "Run Linear program after dead store elimination."); ("-ltl-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> ltl_dump := Some s), "Output LTL file."); ("-ltl-run", Arg.Set ltl_run, "Run LTL program."); ("-ltl-debug", Arg.Set ltl_debug, "Debug LTL program."); ("-riscv-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> riscv_dump := Some s), "Output RISC-V file."); ("-riscv-run", Arg.Set riscv_run, "Run RISC-V program."); ("-no-dump", Arg.Set no_dump, "Do not dump anything but the .s file"); ("-no-dot", Arg.Set no_dot, "Do not call dot on CFG dumps (default false)"); ("-all-run", Arg.Unit (fun () -> e_run := true; cfg_run := true; cfg_run_after_cp := true; cfg_run_after_dae := true; cfg_run_after_ne := true; rtl_run := true; linear_run := true; linear_run_after_dse := true; ltl_run := true; riscv_run := true; ), "Run all intermediate languages"); ("-heap", Arg.Set_int heapsize, "Heap size"); ("-show", Arg.Set show, "Show Results"); ("-m32", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> := A32), "32bit mode"); ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> input_file := Some s), "file to compile"); ("-alloc-order-ts", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Options.alloc_order_st := false), "Allocate t regs before s regs"); ("-json", Arg.Set output_json, "Output JSON summary"); ("-nostart", Arg.Set nostart, "Don't output _start code."); ("-nostats", Arg.Set nostats, "Don't output stats."); ("-nomul", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> has_mul := false), "Target architecture without mul instruction."); ("--", Arg.Rest (fun p -> params := int_of_string p::!params), "Run parameters.") ] type run_result = { step: string; retval: int option; output: string; error: string option; } type compile_result = { step: string; error: string option; data: Yojson.t } type result = RunRes of run_result | CompRes of compile_result let results = ref [] let run step flag eval p = if flag then begin begin match eval Format.str_formatter p !heapsize !params with | OK v -> let output = Format.flush_str_formatter () in results := !results @ [RunRes { step ; retval = v; output; error = None}]; add_to_report step ("Run " ^ step) ( Paragraph ( Printf.sprintf "With parameters : [%s]<br>\n" (String.concat"," ( string_of_int !params)) ^ Printf.sprintf "Mem size : %d bytes<br>\n" !heapsize ^ Printf.sprintf "Return value : %s<br>\n" (match v with | Some v -> string_of_int v | _ -> "none") ^ Printf.sprintf "Output : <pre style=\"padding: 1em; background-color: #ccc;\">%s</pre>\n" output ) ) | Error msg -> let output = Format.flush_str_formatter () in results := !results @ [RunRes { step ; retval = None; output; error = Some msg}]; add_to_report step ("Run " ^ step) ( Paragraph ( Printf.sprintf "With parameters : [%s]<br>\n" (String.concat"," ( string_of_int !params)) ^ Printf.sprintf "Mem size : %d bytes<br>\n" !heapsize ^ Printf.sprintf "Return value : none<br>\n" ^ Printf.sprintf "Output : <pre style=\"padding: 1em; background-color: #ccc;\">%s</pre>\n" output ^ Printf.sprintf "Error : <pre style=\"padding: 1em; background-color: #fcc;\">\n%s</pre>\n" msg ) ) end end let record_compile_result ?error:(error=None) ?data:(data=[]) step = let data = if not !Options.nostats then `List data else `Null in results := !results @ [CompRes { step; error; data}] let dump file dumpf p additional_command = begin match file with | None -> () | Some file -> let oc, close = if file = "-" then (Format.std_formatter, fun _ -> ()) else let oc = open_out file in (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc, fun () -> close_out oc) in dumpf oc p; close (); additional_command file () end let process_output_to_list2 = fun command -> let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in let res = ref ([] : string list) in let rec process_otl_aux () = let e = input_line chan in res := e::!res; process_otl_aux() in try process_otl_aux () with End_of_file -> let stat = Unix.close_process_in chan in (List.rev !res,stat) let cmd_to_list command = let (l,_) = process_output_to_list2 command in l let file_contents file = match let ic = open_in file in let rec aux s () = try let line = input_line ic in (* read line from in_channel and discard \n *) aux (s ^ line ^ "\n") () (* close the input channel *) with e -> (* some unexpected exception occurs *) close_in_noerr ic; (* emergency closing *) s in aux "" () with | exception Sys_error _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Could not open file %s\n" file) | x -> x let set_default r v suff = match !r with None -> r := Some (v ^ suff) | _ -> () let compile_rv basename asmfile () = if not !Options.nostart then begin let out, _ = Format.sprintf "%s -nostdlib -nostartfiles -T %s/link.ld -o \"%s.exe\" \"%s\" %s/lib%d.s %s/mul%d.S 2>&1" !Archi.assembler Config.runtime_dir basename asmfile Config.runtime_dir !Archi.nbits Config.runtime_dir !Archi.nbits |> process_output_to_list2 in match out with [] -> None | _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" out) end else None let exec_rv_prog ltl basename oc rvp heapsize params = let rvp = match rvp with Some rvp -> rvp | None -> let f = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir:"/tmp" basename ".s" in f in let error = ref None in dump (Some rvp) dump_riscv_prog ltl (fun file () -> error := compile_rv basename file ()); match !error with | Some e -> Error ("RiscV generation error:\n" ^e) | None -> let l = cmd_to_list (Format.sprintf "%s%d-static \"%s.exe\" %s" Config.qemu_path !Archi.nbits basename (params |> string_of_int |> String.concat " " )) in try let all_but_last = l |> List.rev |> |> List.rev in all_but_last |> print_list (fun oc -> Format.fprintf oc "%s") "" "\n" "" oc; let ret = l |> List.last |> int_of_string in OK (Some ret) with _ -> OK None let call_dot report_sectid report_secttitle file () : unit = if not !Options.no_dot then begin let r = Sys.command (Format.sprintf "dot -Tsvg %s -o %s.svg" file file) in add_to_report report_sectid report_secttitle (Img (Filename.basename file^".svg")); ignore r end let _ = Arg.parse speclist (fun s -> ()) "Usage"; init_archi !archi (); match !input_file with | None -> failwith "No input file specified.\n" | Some input -> add_to_report "Source" "Source" (Code (file_contents input)); match Filename.chop_suffix_opt ".e" input with None -> failwith (Format.sprintf "File (%s) should end in .e" input) | Some basename -> begin params := List.rev !params; set_default riscv_dump basename ".s"; if not !no_dump then begin set_default show_tokens basename ".lex"; set_default ast_tree basename ".ast"; set_default e_dump basename ".e.dump"; set_default cfg_dump basename ".cfg"; set_default rtl_dump basename ".rtl"; set_default linear_dump basename ".linear"; set_default ltl_dump basename ".ltl"; end; tokenize input >>* (fun msg -> record_compile_result ~error:(Some msg) "Lexing"; ) $ fun tokens -> record_compile_result "Lexing"; dump !show_tokens (fun oc tokens -> List.iter (fun (tok,_) -> Format.fprintf oc "%s\n" (string_of_symbol tok) ) tokens) tokens (fun f () -> add_to_report "lexer" "Lexer" (Code (file_contents f))); parse tokens () >>* (fun msg -> record_compile_result ~error:(Some msg) "Parsing"; ) $ fun (ast, tokens) -> record_compile_result "Parsing"; dump !ast_tree draw_ast_tree ast (call_dot "ast" "AST"); if !ast_dump then Format.printf "%s\n" (string_of_ast ast) else (); match make_eprog_of_ast ast with | Error msg -> record_compile_result ~error:(Some msg) "Elang" | OK ep -> dump !e_dump dump_e ep (fun file () -> add_to_report "e" "E" (Code (file_contents file))); run "Elang" !e_run eval_eprog ep; cfg_prog_of_eprog ep >>! fun cfg -> dump !cfg_dump dump_cfg_prog cfg (call_dot "cfg" "CFG"); run "CFG" !cfg_run eval_cfgprog cfg; let cfg = constant_propagation cfg in record_compile_result "ConstProp"; dump (!cfg_dump >*> fun s -> s ^ "0") dump_cfg_prog cfg (call_dot "cfg-after-cstprop" "CFG after Constant Propagation"); run "CFG after constant_propagation" !cfg_run_after_cp eval_cfgprog cfg; let cfg = dead_assign_elimination cfg in record_compile_result "DeadAssign"; dump (!cfg_dump >*> fun s -> s ^ "1") dump_cfg_prog cfg (call_dot "cfg-after-dae" "CFG after DAE"); run "CFG after dead_assign_elimination" !cfg_run_after_dae eval_cfgprog cfg; let cfg = nop_elimination cfg in record_compile_result "NopElim"; dump (!cfg_dump >*> fun s -> s ^ "2") dump_cfg_prog cfg (call_dot "cfg-after-nop" "CFG after NOP elim"); run "CFG after nop_elimination" !cfg_run_after_ne eval_cfgprog cfg; let rtl = rtl_of_cfg cfg in dump !rtl_dump dump_rtl_prog rtl (fun file () -> add_to_report "rtl" "RTL" (Code (file_contents file))); run "RTL" !rtl_run exec_rtl_prog rtl; let linear = linear_of_rtl rtl in let lives = liveness_linear_prog linear in dump !linear_dump (fun oc -> dump_linear_prog oc (Some lives)) linear (fun file () -> add_to_report "linear" "Linear" (Code (file_contents file))); run "Linear" !linear_run exec_linear_prog linear; let linear = dse_prog linear lives in record_compile_result "DSE"; dump (!linear_dump >*> fun s -> s ^ "1") (fun oc -> dump_linear_prog oc (Some lives)) linear (fun file () -> add_to_report "linear-after-dse" "Linear after DSE" (Code (file_contents file))); run "Linear after DSE" !linear_run_after_dse exec_linear_prog linear; let ltl = ltl_prog_of_linear linear () in dump !ltl_dump dump_ltl_prog ltl (fun file () -> add_to_report "ltl" "LTL" (Code (file_contents file))); run "LTL" !ltl_run (exec_ltl_prog) ltl; (if !ltl_debug then debug_ltl_prog input ltl !heapsize !params); dump !riscv_dump dump_riscv_prog ltl (fun file () -> add_to_report "riscv" "RISC-V" (Code (file_contents file)); ignore (compile_rv basename file ())); if not !Options.nostart then begin run "Risc-V" !riscv_run (exec_rv_prog ltl basename) !riscv_dump end; end; if !output_json then begin let open Yojson in let jstring_of_ostring o = match o with | None -> `Null | Some s -> `String s in let j = `List ( (function | RunRes { step; retval; output; error; } -> `Assoc [("runstep",`String step); ("retval", match retval with Some r -> `Int r | None -> `Null); ("output", `String output); ("error", jstring_of_ostring error); ] | CompRes { step; error; data } -> `Assoc [("compstep",`String step); ("error", jstring_of_ostring error); ("data", data) ] ) !results) in Format.printf "%s\n" (Yojson.pretty_to_string j); end; make_report input report ()