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automaton_F.jl 10.05 KiB

# Creation of the automaton types
#@everywhere @eval abstract type EdgeAutomatonF <: Edge end
@everywhere struct EdgeAutomatonF <: Edge 
@everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_lha_type_def(:AutomatonF, :EdgeAutomatonF))

function create_automaton_F(m::ContinuousTimeModel, x1::Float64, x2::Float64, t1::Float64, t2::Float64, sym_obs::VariableModel)
    # Requirements for the automaton
    @assert sym_obs in m.g "$(sym_obs) is not observed."
    @assert (x1 <= x2) "x1 > x2 impossible for F automaton."
    @assert (t1 <= t2) "t1 > t2 impossible for F automaton."

    # Automaton types and functions
    model_name = Symbol(typeof(m))
    lha_name = :AutomatonF
    edge_type = :EdgeAutomatonF
    check_constraints = Symbol("check_constraints_$(lha_name)")
    update_state! = Symbol("update_state_$(lha_name)!")

    # Locations
    locations = [:l0, :l1, :l2, :l3]

    ## Invariant predicates
    @everywhere true_inv_predicate(x::Vector{Int}) = true 
    Λ_F = Dict{Location,InvariantPredicateFunction}(:l0 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate), :l1 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate),
                                                    :l2 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate), :l3 => getfield(Main, :true_inv_predicate))

    ## Init and final loc
    locations_init = [:l0]
    locations_final = [:l2]

    ## Map of automaton variables
    map_var_automaton_idx = Dict{VariableAutomaton,Int}(:n => 1, :d => 2, :isabs => 3)

    ## Flow of variables
    vector_flow = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    flow = Dict{Location,Vector{Float64}}(:l0 => vector_flow, 
                                          :l1 => vector_flow, 
                                          :l2 => vector_flow, 
                                          :l3 => vector_flow)

    ## Edges
    to_idx(var::Symbol) = map_var_automaton_idx[var]
    idx_obs_var = getfield(m, :map_var_idx)[sym_obs]

    id = MarkovProcesses.newid()
    basename_func = "$(model_name)_$(id)"
    edge_name(from_loc::Location, to_loc::Location, edge_number::Int) = 
    function check_constraints(from_loc::Location, to_loc::Location, edge_number::Int)
        return Symbol("check_constraints_$(edge_type)_$(from_loc)$(to_loc)_$(edge_number)_$(model_name)_$(id)")
    function update_state!(from_loc::Location, to_loc::Location, edge_number::Int)
        return Symbol("update_state_$(edge_type)_$(from_loc)$(to_loc)_$(edge_number)_$(model_name)_$(id)!")

    ## check_constraints & update_state!
    meta_funcs = quote
        @everywhere istrue(val::Float64) = convert(Bool, val)

        ## Check constraints and update state functions
        # l0 loc : we construct  the edges of the form l0 => (..)
        # "cc" as check_constraints and "us" as update_state
        # l0 => l1
        #struct $(edge_name(:l0, :l1, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l0, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = true
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l0, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] = x[$(idx_obs_var)];
         S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = Inf; 
         S_values[$(to_idx(:isabs))] = $(m.isabsorbing)(p,x);
        # l1 loc
        # l1 => l2
        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l2, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        S_time >= $t1 &&
        S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] == 0 
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 

        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l2, 2)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_time >= $t2) && 
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] < $x1 || S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] > $x2)
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        #setindex!(S_values, min(abs(S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x1), abs(S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x2)), $(to_idx(:d))))

        # l1 => l3
        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l3, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_time <= $t1) &&
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] < $x1 || S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] > $x2)
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = min(sqrt((S_time - $t1)^2 + (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x2)^2), 
                                       sqrt((S_time - $t1)^2 + (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x1)^2));
        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l3, 2)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        ($x1 <= S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] <= $x2)
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 2))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = 0;
        #struct $(edge_name(:l1, :l3, 3)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 3))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_time >= $t1) &&
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] < $x1 || S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] > $x2)
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 3))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (val_min = min(S_values[$(to_idx(:d))], 
                       min(abs(S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x1), abs(S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] - $x2)));
         S_values[$(to_idx(:d))] = val_min;
        # l3 loc
        # l3 => l1
        #struct $(edge_name(:l3, :l1, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l3, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = true
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l3, :l1, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_values[$(to_idx(:n))] = x[$(idx_obs_var)];
         S_values[$(to_idx(:isabs))] = $(m.isabsorbing)(p,x);
        # l3 => l2
        #struct $(edge_name(:l3, :l2, 1)) <: $(edge_type) transitions::Union{Nothing,Vector{Symbol}} end
        @everywhere $(check_constraints(:l3, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 
        (S_time >= $t2 || istrue(S_values[$(to_idx(:isabs))]))
        @everywhere $(update_state!(:l3, :l2, 1))(S_time::Float64, S_values::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Int}, p::Vector{Float64}) = 

    @eval begin
        map_edges = Dict{Location, Dict{Location, Vector{$(edge_type)}}}()
        for loc in $(locations)
            map_edges[loc] = Dict{Location, Vector{$(edge_type)}}()

        # l0 loc
        # l0 => l1
        edge1 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l0, :l1, 1)), $(update_state!(:l0, :l1, 1)))
        map_edges[:l0][:l1] = [edge1]

        # l1 loc
        # l1 => l2
        edge1 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 1)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 1)))
        edge2 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 2)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 2)))
        map_edges[:l1][:l2] = [edge1, edge2]
        #edge3 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 3)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 3)))
        #edge4 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l2, 4)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l2, 4)))
        #map_edges[:l1][:l2] = [edge1, edge2, edge3, edge4]

        # l1 => l3
        edge1 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 1)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 1)))
        edge2 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 2)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 2)))
        edge3 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l1, :l3, 3)), $(update_state!(:l1, :l3, 3)))
        map_edges[:l1][:l3] = [edge1, edge2, edge3]

        # l3 loc
        # l3 => l1
        edge1 = EdgeAutomatonF([:ALL], $(check_constraints(:l3, :l1, 1)), $(update_state!(:l3, :l1, 1)))
        map_edges[:l3][:l1] = [edge1]

        # l3 => l2
        edge1 = EdgeAutomatonF(nothing, $(check_constraints(:l3, :l2, 1)), $(update_state!(:l3, :l2, 1)))
        map_edges[:l3][:l2] = [edge1]

    ## Constants
    constants = Dict{Symbol,Float64}(:x1 => x1,  :x2 => x2, :t1 => t1, :t2 => t2)

    map_edges_transitions = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol,Vector{TransitionSet}}}()
    map_edges_check_constraints = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol,Vector{CheckConstraintsFunction}}}()
    map_edges_update_state = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol,Vector{UpdateStateFunction}}}()
    # Updating types and simulation methods
    @everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_synchronized_model_type_def(model_name, lha_name))
    @everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_next_state(lha_name, edge_type))
    @everywhere @eval $(MarkovProcesses.generate_code_synchronized_simulation(model_name, lha_name, edge_type, m.f!, m.isabsorbing))
    A = AutomatonF(m.transitions, locations, Λ_F, locations_init, locations_final, 
                   map_var_automaton_idx, flow, map_edges, 
                   map_edges_transitions, map_edges_check_constraints, map_edges_update_state,
                   constants, m.map_var_idx)
    return A