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Commit 50e2b9ae authored by Bentriou Mahmoud's avatar Bentriou Mahmoud
Browse files

Change of 2 function names in trajectory.

Implementation of the lp distance for trajectories.
Add of unit tests for lp distance.
parent b5ed9acf
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......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ if ARGS[1] == "SIR"
elseif ARGS[1] == "ER"
l_var = ["E","S","ES","P"]
bound_time = 20.0
nbr_sim = 10000
ER_col.time_bound = bound_time
......@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] == "ER"
error("Unavailable model")
nbr_sim = 10000
nbr_sim = 1000
b1_col = @benchmark for i = 1:$(nbr_sim) _simulate_col($model_col) end
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ println("Col buffer:")
function random_trajectory_value_col(m::ContinuousTimeModel)
σ = _simulate_col_buffer(m)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
nb_rand = 1000
res = 0
for i = 1:nb_rand
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ println("Row buffer:")
function random_trajectory_value_row(m::ContinuousTimeModel)
σ = _simulate_row_buffer(m)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
nb_rand = 1000
res = 0
for i = 1:nb_rand
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ println("Col buffer:")
function read_trajectory_col(m::Model)
res = 0
σ = _simulate_col_buffer(m)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
n_read = 100000
for k = 1:n_read
for i = 1:n_states
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ println("Row buffer:")
function read_trajectory_row(m::Model)
res = 0
σ = _simulate_row_buffer(m)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
n_read = 100000
for k = 1:n_read
for i = 1:n_states
using BenchmarkTools
BenchmarkTools.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS.samples = 20000
nb_sim = 1000
using pygmalion
str_m = "enzymatic_reaction"
str_d = "abc_er"
str_oml = "P,R,time"
ll_om = split(str_oml, ",")
x0 = State(95.0, 95.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
p_true = Parameters(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
u = Control(20.0)
tml = 1:400
g_all = create_observation_function([ObserverModel(str_oml, tml)])
@timev pygmalion.simulate(f, g_all, x0, u, p_true; on = nothing, full_timeline = true)
b1_pyg = @benchmark for i=1:$(nb_sim) pygmalion.simulate($f, $g_all, $x0, $u, $p_true; on = nothing, full_timeline = true) end
b2_pyg = @benchmark for i=1:$(nb_sim) pygmalion.simulate(f, g_all, x0, u, p_true; on = nothing, full_timeline = true) end
@show minimum(b1_pyg), mean(b1_pyg), maximum(b1_pyg)
@show minimum(b2_pyg), mean(b2_pyg), maximum(b2_pyg)
using MarkovProcesses
ER.time_bound = 20.0
@timev MarkovProcesses.simulate(ER)
b1 = @benchmark for i=1:$(nb_sim) MarkovProcesses.simulate($ER) end
b2 = @benchmark for i=1:$(nb_sim) MarkovProcesses.simulate(ER) end
@show minimum(b1), mean(b1), maximum(b1)
@show minimum(b2), mean(b2), maximum(b2)
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ MarkovProcesses.load_model("ER")
ER.time_bound = 10.0
σ = MarkovProcesses.simulate(ER)
function random_trajectory_value(σ::AbstractTrajectory)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
return σ["P"][rand(1:n_states)]
# Bench
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ MarkovProcesses.load_model("ER")
ER.time_bound = 10.0
σ = MarkovProcesses.simulate(ER)
function read_trajectory(σ::AbstractTrajectory)
n_states = get_states_number(σ)
n_states = length_states(σ)
res = 0
for i = 1:n_states
res += (σ["P"])[i]
......@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ include("model.jl")
export Observations, AbstractTrajectory, Trajectory
export +,-,δ
export get_obs_variables,get_states_number
export dist_lp, l_dist_lp
export get_obs_var, length_states, length_obs_var, is_bounded
......@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ function simulate(m::ContinuousTimeModel)
values[end,:] = values[end-1,:]
times[end] = m.time_bound
transitions[end] = nothing
vcat(values, values[end,:])
push!(times, m.time_bound)
push!(transitions, nothing)
return Trajectory(m, values, times, transitions)
......@@ -9,13 +9,141 @@ struct Trajectory <: AbstractTrajectory
# Operations
function +(σ1::AbstractTrajectory,σ2::AbstractTrajectory) end
function -(σ1::AbstractTrajectory,σ2::AbstractTrajectory) end
function δ(σ1::AbstractTrajectory,t::Float64) end
# Top-level Lp distance function
`list_dist_lp(l_σ1, l_σ2; verbose, p, str_stat_list, str_stat_trajectory)`
Function that computes Lp distance between two set of any dimensional trajectories.
# Arguments
- `l_σ1::Vector{AbstractTrajectory}` is the first set of trajectories. l_σ2 is the second.
- `verbose::Bool` If `true`, launch a verbose execution of the computation.
- `str_stat_list::String` allows to set the statistic to apply on the distances of the trajectories.
It is salso called linkage function in clustering field. Only "mean" is available for now on.
function list_dist_lp(l_σ1::Vector{AbstractTrajectory}, l_σ2::Vector{AbstractTrajectory};
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1, str_stat_list::String = "mean", str_stat_trajectory::String = "mean")
if str_stat_list == "mean"
return dist_lp_mean(l_σ1, l_σ2; verbose = verbose, p = p, str_stat_trajectory = str_stat_trajectory)
error("Unrecognized statistic in dist_lp")
`dist_lp(σ1, σ2; verbose, p, str_stat)`
Function that computes Lp distance between two trajectories of any dimension.
It computes Lp distances for each observed variable (contained in `get_obs_var(σ)`). and then apply a statistic on these distances.
Requires `get_obs_var(σ1) == get_obs_var(σ2)`, it is verified if they are simulated from the same model.
# Arguments
- `σ1::AbstractTrajectory` is the first trajectory. σ2 is the second.
- `verbose::Bool` If `true`, launch a verbose execution of the computation.
- `str_stat::String` allows to set the statistic to apply on the distances computed of the trajectories.
Only "mean" is available for now on.
function dist_lp(σ1::AbstractTrajectory, σ2::AbstractTrajectory;
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1, str_stat::String = "mean")
if str_stat == "mean"
return dist_lp_mean(σ1, σ2; verbose = verbose, p = p)
error("Unrecognized statistic in dist_lp")
`dist_lp(σ1, σ2, var; verbose, p, str_stat)`
Function that computes Lp distance between two trajectories of any dimension.
It computes Lp distances for each observed variable (contained in `get_obs_var(σ)`). and then apply a statistic on these distances.
Requires `get_obs_var(σ1) == get_obs_var(σ2)`, it is verified if they are simulated from the same model.
# Arguments
- `σ1::AbstractTrajectory` is the first trajectory. σ2 is the second.
- `var::String` is an observed variable. Have to be contained in `get_obs_var(σ1)` and `get_obs_var(σ2)`.
- `verbose::Bool` If `true`, launch a verbose execution of the computation.
function dist_lp(σ1::AbstractTrajectory, σ2::AbstractTrajectory, var::String;
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1)
if !is_bounded(σ1) || !is_bounded(σ2)
@warn "Lp distance computed on unbounded trajectories. Result should be wrong"
return dist_lp(σ1[var], σ1["times"], σ2[var], σ2["times"])
# Distance function. Vectorized version
function dist_lp(x_obs::AbstractVector{Int}, t_x::Vector{Float64}, y_obs::AbstractVector{Int}, t_y::Vector{Float64};
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1)
current_y_obs = y_obs[1]
current_t_y = t_y[2]
idx = 1
res = 0.0
for i = 1:(length(x_obs)-1)
if verbose
@show i
@show (t_x[i], x_obs[i])
@show current_t_y
@show t_x[i+1]
last_t_y = t_x[i]
while current_t_y < t_x[i+1]
rect = abs(current_y_obs - x_obs[i]) * (current_t_y - last_t_y)
res += rect
if verbose
println("-- in loop :")
println("-- add : $rect abs($current_y_obs - $(x_obs[i])) * ($current_t_y - $(last_t_y)) / $(abs(current_y_obs - x_obs[i])) * $(current_t_y - last_t_y)")
print("-- ")
@show current_y_obs, current_t_y
idx += 1
last_t_y = t_y[idx]
current_y_obs = y_obs[idx]
current_t_y = t_y[idx+1]
last_t_read = max(last_t_y, t_x[i])
rect = abs(current_y_obs - x_obs[i]) * (t_x[i+1] - last_t_read)
res += rect
if verbose
println("add : $rect abs($current_y_obs - $(x_obs[i])) * ($(t_x[i+1]) - $last_t_read) / $(abs(current_y_obs - x_obs[i])) * $(t_x[i+1] - last_t_read)")
@show t_x[i+1], t_y[idx+1]
@show y_obs[idx], x_obs[i]
@show last_t_read
@show current_y_obs
return res
# For all the observed variables
function dist_lp_mean(σ1::AbstractTrajectory, σ2::AbstractTrajectory;
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1)
if get_obs_var(σ1) != get_obs_var(σ2) error("Lp distances should be computed with the same observed variables") end
res = 0.0
for var in get_obs_var(σ1)
res += dist_lp(σ1, σ2, var)
return res / length_obs_var(σ1)
# For a list of trajectories
function list_dist_lp_mean(l_σ1::Vector{AbstractTrajectory}, l_σ2::Vector{AbstractTrajectory};
verbose::Bool = false, p::Int = 1, str_stat_trajectory::String = "mean")
res = 0.0
for σ1 in l_σ1
for σ2 in l_σ2
res += dist_lp(σ1, σ2; verbose = verbose, p = p, str_stat = str_stat_trajectory)
return res / (length(l_σ1)*length(l_σ2))
# Properties of the trajectory
get_states_number(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = length(σ.times)
get_obs_variables(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = (σ.m).g
length_states(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = length(σ.times)
length_obs_var(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = size(σ.values)[2]
get_obs_var(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = (σ.m).g
is_bounded(σ::AbstractTrajectory) = σ.transitions[end] == nothing
# Access to trajectory values
get_var_values(σ::AbstractTrajectory, var::String) =
......@@ -23,6 +151,7 @@ get_var_values(σ::AbstractTrajectory, var::String) =
get_state(σ::AbstractTrajectory, idx::Int) = @view σ.values[idx,:]
get_value(σ::AbstractTrajectory, var::String, idx::Int) =
function δ(σ1::AbstractTrajectory,t::Float64) end
# Get var values ["I"]
function getindex(σ::AbstractTrajectory, var::String)
......@@ -11,5 +11,9 @@ using Test
@test include("unit/change_obs_var_sir.jl")
@test include("unit/change_obs_var_sir_2.jl")
@test include("unit/getindex_access_trajectory.jl")
@test include("unit/is_always_bounded_sir.jl")
@test include("unit/length_obs_var.jl")
@test include("unit/dist_lp_var.jl")
@test include("unit/dist_lp.jl")
using MarkovProcesses
SIR.time_bound = 100.0
σ1, σ2 = simulate(SIR), simulate(SIR)
dist_lp(σ1, σ2)
return true
using MarkovProcesses
SIR.time_bound = 100.0
σ1, σ2 = simulate(SIR), simulate(SIR)
dist_lp(σ1, σ2, "I")
return true
using MarkovProcesses
test = true
SIR.time_bound = 120.0
for i = 1:1000
σ = simulate(SIR)
global test = test && is_bounded(σ)
return test
using MarkovProcesses
σ = simulate(SIR)
test_1 = length_obs_var(σ) == 1
set_observed_var!(SIR, ["I", "R"])
σ = simulate(SIR)
test_2 = length_obs_var(σ) == 2
σ = simulate(ER)
test_3 = length_obs_var(σ) == 1
set_observed_var!(ER, ["P", "S", "ES"])
σ = simulate(ER)
test_4 = length_obs_var(σ) == 3
test = test_1 && test_2 && test_3 && test_4
return test
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