-```$ ros2ws <path-to-ws>``` (to source the ros2 workspace and move to the workspace)
-```$ exit_ros``` To exit any of the ros workspace and remove all the ros related variable from current bash prompt. You can jump to other version of ros from the same terminal flawlessly.
## How to use it
- You can simply replace your ```~/.bashrc``` with the new one provided here and make the change to your source path for ros in line 62&63.![60-63](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53620577/138263544-1524c282-b26c-4887-adbc-90ff80acaf1f.png)
- In case if you do not want to replace it, copy from line 59 to 175 and follow the instruction from line 176.
## Demo
Demo shows how to use updated bashrc file to make your workflow better