Wilke Pierre authored
(et pas avec une variable d'environnement...)
Wilke Pierre authored(et pas avec une variable d'environnement...)
main.ml 9.09 KiB
open Batteries
open BatList
open Symbols
open Parser
open Ast
open Elang
open Elang_run
open Elang_print
open Elang_gen
open Cfg
open Cfg_run
open Cfg_print
open Cfg_gen
open Cfg_constprop
open Cfg_dead_assign
open Cfg_nop_elim
open Rtl
open Rtl_run
open Rtl_print
open Rtl_gen
open Linear
open Linear_run
open Linear_print
open Linear_gen
open Linear_liveness
open Linear_dse
open Ltl
open Ltl_run
open Ltl_print
open Ltl_gen
open Ltl_debug
open Riscv
open Utils
open Archi
open Report
open Options
open Lexer_generator
open Tokenize
let speclist =
("-show-tokens", Arg.String (fun s -> show_tokens := Some s), "Output the list of tokens recognized by the lexer.");
("-ast-tree", Arg.String (fun s -> ast_tree := Some s), "Output DOT file for dumping the tree.");
("-ast-dump", Arg.Set ast_dump, "Dumps the tree in textual form.");
("-e-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> e_dump := Some s), "Output Elang file.");
("-e-run", Arg.Set e_run, "Run Elang program.");
("-cfg-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> cfg_dump := Some s), "Output CFG file.");
("-cfg-run", Arg.Set cfg_run, "Run CFG program.");
("-cfg-run-after-cp", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_cp, "Run CFG program after constant propagation.");
("-cfg-run-after-dae", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_dae, "Run CFG program after dead assign elimination.");
("-cfg-run-after-ne", Arg.Set cfg_run_after_ne, "Run CFG program after nop elimination.");
("-rtl-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> rtl_dump := Some s), "Output RTL file.");
("-rtl-run", Arg.Set rtl_run, "Run RTL program.");
("-linear-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> linear_dump := Some s), "Output Linear file.");
("-linear-run", Arg.Set linear_run, "Run Linear program.");
("-linear-run-after-dse", Arg.Set linear_run_after_dse, "Run Linear program after dead store elimination.");
("-ltl-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> ltl_dump := Some s), "Output LTL file.");
("-ltl-run", Arg.Set ltl_run, "Run LTL program.");
("-ltl-debug", Arg.Set ltl_debug, "Debug LTL program.");
("-riscv-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> riscv_dump := Some s), "Output RISC-V file.");
("-riscv-run", Arg.Set riscv_run, "Run RISC-V program.");
("-no-dump", Arg.Set no_dump, "Do not dump anything but the .s file");
("-no-dot", Arg.Set no_dot, "Do not call dot on CFG dumps (default false)");
("-clever-regalloc", Arg.Unit (fun () -> naive_regalloc := false), "Use the graph coloring algorithm for register allocation.");
("-naive-regalloc", Arg.Unit (fun () -> naive_regalloc := true),
"Use the naive algorithm for register allocation (all pseudo-registers go on the stack).");
("-no-cfg-constprop", Arg.Set no_cfg_constprop, "Disable CFG constprop");
("-no-cfg-dae", Arg.Set no_cfg_dae, "Disable CFG Dead Assign Elimination");
("-no-cfg-ne", Arg.Set no_cfg_ne, "Disable CFG Nop Elimination");
("-no-linear-dse", Arg.Set no_linear_dse, "Disable Linear Dead Store Elimination");
("-rig-dump", Arg.String (fun s -> rig_dump := Some s),
"Path to output the register interference graph");
("-all-run", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
e_run := true;
cfg_run := true;
cfg_run_after_cp := true;
cfg_run_after_dae := true;
cfg_run_after_ne := true;
rtl_run := true;
linear_run := true;
linear_run_after_dse := true;
ltl_run := true;
riscv_run := true;
), "Run all intermediate languages");
("-heap", Arg.Set_int heapsize, "Heap size");
("-show", Arg.Set show, "Show Results");
("-m32", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Archi.archi := A32), "32bit mode");
("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> input_file := Some s), "file to compile");
("-alloc-order-ts", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Options.alloc_order_st := false), "Allocate t regs before s regs");
("-json", Arg.String (fun s -> output_json := s), "Output JSON summary");
("-nostart", Arg.Set nostart, "Don't output _start code.");
("-nostats", Arg.Set nostats, "Don't output stats.");
("-nomul", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> has_mul := false), "Target architecture without mul instruction.");
("-linux", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> target := Linux), "emit linux syscalls");
("-xv6", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> target := Xv6), "emit xv6 syscalls");
("--", Arg.Rest (fun p -> params := int_of_string p::!params), "Run parameters.")
let set_default r v suff =
match !r with
None -> r := Some (v ^ suff)
| _ -> ()
let compile_rv basename asmfile () =
if not !Options.nostart then begin
let obj_file_prog = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir:"/tmp" "" ".o" in
let cmdas_prog = Format.sprintf "%s -I%s -o %s %s"
(Archi.assembler ())
(Archi.runtime_lib_include_path ())
obj_file_prog asmfile in
let obj_file_lib = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir:"/tmp" "" ".o" in
let cmdas_lib = Format.sprintf "%s -I%s -o %s %s"
(Archi.assembler ())
(Archi.runtime_lib_include_path ())
obj_file_lib (Archi.runtime_lib_path ()) in
let cmdld = Format.sprintf "%s -T %s/link.ld %s %s -o %s.exe"
(Archi.linker ())
obj_file_prog obj_file_lib
basename in
Printf.printf "AS: %s\n" cmdas_prog;
Printf.printf "AS: %s\n" cmdas_lib;
Printf.printf "LD: %s\n" cmdld;
let out_as_prog = cmd_to_list cmdas_prog in
let out_as_lib = cmd_to_list cmdas_lib in
let out_ld = cmd_to_list cmdld in
let out = out_as_prog @ out_as_lib @ out_ld in
match out with
[] -> None
| _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" out)
else None
let exec_rv_prog ltl basename oc rvp heapsize params =
let rvp =
match rvp with
Some rvp -> rvp
| None ->
let f = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir:"/tmp" basename ".s" in
let error = ref None in
dump (Some rvp) (dump_riscv_prog !Archi.target) ltl (fun file () ->
error := compile_rv basename file ());
match !error with
| Some e -> Error ("RiscV generation error:\n" ^e)
| None ->
let l = cmd_to_list (Format.sprintf "%s \"%s.exe\" %s" (Archi.qemu ()) basename
(params |> List.map string_of_int |> String.concat " " )) in
let all_but_last = l |> List.rev |> List.tl |> List.rev in
all_but_last |> print_list (fun oc -> Format.fprintf oc "%s") "" "\n" "" oc;
let ret = l |> List.last |> int_of_string in
OK (Some ret)
with _ -> OK None
let _ =
Arg.parse speclist (fun s -> ()) "Usage";
Archi.archi := !archi;
match !input_file with
| None -> failwith "No input file specified.\n"
| Some input ->
add_to_report "Source" "Source" (Code (file_contents input));
match Filename.chop_suffix_opt ".e" input with
None -> failwith
(Format.sprintf "File (%s) should end in .e" input)
| Some basename ->
params := List.rev !params;
set_default riscv_dump basename ".s";
if not !no_dump then begin
set_default show_tokens basename ".lex";
set_default ast_tree basename ".ast";
set_default e_dump basename ".e.dump";
set_default cfg_dump basename ".cfg";
set_default rtl_dump basename ".rtl";
set_default linear_dump basename ".linear";
set_default rig_dump basename ".rig";
set_default ltl_dump basename ".ltl";
Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let compiler_res =
pass_tokenize input >>= fun tokens ->
pass_parse tokens >>= fun (ast, _) ->
pass_elang ast >>= fun ep ->
run "Elang" !e_run eval_eprog ep;
pass_cfg_gen ep >>= fun cfg ->
run "CFG" !cfg_run eval_cfgprog cfg;
pass_constant_propagation cfg >>= fun cfg ->
run "CFG after constant_propagation" !cfg_run_after_cp eval_cfgprog cfg;
pass_dead_assign_elimination cfg >>= fun cfg ->
run "CFG after dead_assign_elimination" !cfg_run_after_dae eval_cfgprog cfg;
pass_nop_elimination cfg >>= fun cfg ->
run "CFG after nop_elimination" !cfg_run_after_ne eval_cfgprog cfg;
pass_rtl_gen cfg >>= fun rtl ->
run "RTL" !rtl_run exec_rtl_prog rtl;
pass_linearize rtl >>= fun (linear, lives) ->
run "Linear" !linear_run exec_linear_prog linear;
pass_linear_dse linear lives >>= fun linear ->
run "Linear after DSE" !linear_run_after_dse exec_linear_prog linear;
pass_ltl_gen linear
with e ->
let emsg = Printexc.to_string e ^ "\n" ^ Printexc.get_backtrace () in
record_compile_result ~error:(Some emsg) "global";
Error emsg
match compiler_res with
| Error msg -> ()
| OK ltl ->
run "LTL" !ltl_run (exec_ltl_prog) ltl;
(if !ltl_debug then debug_ltl_prog input ltl !heapsize !params);
dump !riscv_dump (dump_riscv_prog !Archi.target) ltl (fun file () ->
add_to_report "riscv" "RISC-V" (Code (file_contents file));
ignore (compile_rv basename file ()));
if not !Options.nostart then begin
run "Risc-V" !riscv_run (exec_rv_prog ltl basename) !riscv_dump
dump (Some !output_json) (fun oc p ->
Format.fprintf oc "%s\n" p
) (json_output_string ()) (fun _ () -> ());
make_report input report ()