@@ -100,6 +100,28 @@ Probably, you have misconfigured the second network card: this network card is c
If vboxnet0 is missing go to the previous error "vboxnet0 is missing".
#### Error about the Virtualbox Host-Only ethernet address
This error may occur under windows, probably because the name of your adapter is not vboxnet0 and has a different name. Under Windows, your network adapters can look like this:

In this case, you have to check the parameters of the virtual machine:
- select the TestVM virtual machine
- hit the "Settings" button
- Go to the network tab
- Check the adapter 1 and adapter 2
- adapter 1 should have the mode "NAT"
- adapter 2 shoudl have the mode "host only network" with name "vboxnet0" or "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"