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  • Deep_learning_model_that_does_not_learn
  • main default protected
  • master
  • reg_L2
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Feb1164331Jan30242322211916DecUpload New Filemainmainfix typo : misplaced )secret in gitignoreno secretdelete useless log fileMerge branch 'main' of into mainbest model as default in test[Submission] Pushing the best submission filetypo in main.pyadding the log files on the modelsadding configL2reg_L2reg_L2RNNCNN1Dadded reLU at the end of CNN and RNNbilstm num_days_365_without_dropoutbilstm num_days_365_without_dropoutbilstm num_days_365bilstm with dropoutcleaning codebase, adding experimentName in job.pyjob : started implementing experimentNameadding the default values as a parameter of our yaml file, adding the flag experiment_nameadded remove time transform, moved create submission to utilsdelete create_submission.pyMerge branch 'main' of into maincleaning codebase by moving create_submission to utilsDelete losses.pyrefactoring codeadded read meMerge branch 'master' into mainpushin my_train scriptmastermasteradding the best model's weightsrefactoring codelstm with scheduler testedadding relu at the end of lstm to avoid NaNshallow lstm after testbilstm trying to deal with NaN by creating a shallower networkfixing typo d instead of bfixing type (missing r)bidirectional_lstm_with_MEAN_STD