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Commit b9c61116 authored by Ouhmidou Sarra's avatar Ouhmidou Sarra
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fin cartes spéciales

parent f01d620d
Branches special2
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......@@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ def create_all_cards():
Card(id = i, front = front_image_path, back = back_image_path, theme =3)
#creation of special cards
Card(id = 200, front = "IMAGES/power1.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 1)
Card(id = 201, front = "IMAGES/power2.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 2)
Card(id = 202, front = "IMAGES/power3.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 3)
Card(id = 203, front = "IMAGES/power4.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 4)
Card(id = 204, front = "IMAGES/power5.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 5)
Card(id = 200, front = "IMAGES/power1.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 1) # +10
Card(id = 201, front = "IMAGES/power2.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 2) # -5
Card(id = 202, front = "IMAGES/power3.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 3) # pair
Card(id = 203, front = "IMAGES/power4.png", back = '', theme = 0, power = 4) #shuffle
def associate_all_pairs(theme) -> None :
CARDS = Card.get_cards() #we fetch the list of all the cards
......@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ def associate_all_pairs(theme) -> None :
def get_front_images(game): #renvoie une liste de toutes les images face des cartes de la grille, meme indices que la grille
front_images = []
grid = game.grid
for l in grid :
nb_rows = game.level.nb_row
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class Card :
def choose_special_cards(cls, number):
special_cards_id_1 = [200, 203]
special_cards_id_2 = [201, 203]
special_cards_id_1 = [200, 202, 203]
special_cards_id_2 = [201, 202, 203]
choice = []
choice1 = rd.sample(special_cards_id_1, k = number)
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ class Level :
self.nb_pairs = nb_pairs
self.nb_row = nb_row
self.nb_column = nb_column
self.timer = id*20 #time the player has before losing the game
self.max_attempts = 4*nb_pairs
self.timer = 500 #time the player has before losing the game
self.max_attempts = 500
class Game :
def __init__(self, level : Level, theme):
......@@ -93,13 +93,14 @@ class Game :
self.matched_pairs = 0 #number of pairs discovered
self.grid = [] #list of list containing the cards id that are in the grid
self.started = False
def init_game(self):
level = self.level
nb_pairs = level.nb_pairs
nb_pairs = level.nb_pairs
pairs = rd.sample(Card.THEMES[self.theme], k = nb_pairs)
for (i,j) in pairs :
......@@ -120,20 +121,13 @@ class Game :
def init_special_cards(self):
back = self.get_back()
if ( == 2 or == 3):
if ( > 1) :
self.special_cards = Card.choose_special_cards(2)
for id in self.special_cards : #we add the special card to the other ones
card = Card.get_card_with_id(id)
card.back = back
card.theme = self.theme
elif ( == 4):
self.special_cards = Card.choose_special_cards(4)
for id in self.special_cards : #we add the special card to the other ones
card = Card.get_card_with_id(id)
card.back = back
card.theme = self.theme
def is_finished(self): #game over if all pairs have been discovered or all attemps have been used
return (self.matched_pairs is self.level.nb_pairs, self.attempts >= self.level.max_attempts)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ window_variables = []
#format : [window]
image_variables = []
#format : [front_images, images_id]
def create_window( title, color):
window = tk.Tk()
......@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ def special1_2(game, can, playing_window, countdown_label, attempts_label, i):
update_countdown(game, can, playing_window, countdown_label, attempts_label, new_timer)
return countdown_label
def special4(game, can, front_images, back_image): #shuffle
def special4(game, can, front_images, back_image): #shuffle
new_grid = shuffle_cards(game) #change la grille du jeu
rows = game.level.nb_row
columns = game.level.nb_column
......@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ def special4(game, can, front_images, back_image): #shuffle
k,l = get_card_position(game, new_id)
new_front_images[i][j] = front_images[k][l]
new_images_id[i][j] = can.create_image(j*column_width + column_width/2 , i*line_height + line_height/2, image = front_images[k][l])
image_variables[0] = new_front_images
image_variables[1] = new_images_id
......@@ -186,9 +187,9 @@ def special4(game, can, front_images, back_image): #shuffle
game.flipped = []
game.matched_pairs = 0
for list in new_images_id: #affichage des dos
for image_id in list :
can.itemconfig(image_id, image = back_image)
for i in range(rows): #on les affichent
for j in range(columns):
can.itemconfig(new_images_id[i][j], image = back_image)
for id in :
card = Card.get_card_with_id(id)
......@@ -197,8 +198,6 @@ def special4(game, can, front_images, back_image): #shuffle
for id in game.special_cards :
card = Card.get_card_with_id(id)
card.flipped = False
return new_images_id, new_front_images
def special3(game, can, images_id, list):
for (i,j) in Card.THEMES[game.theme] :
......@@ -263,6 +262,7 @@ def on_click(game, event, can, line_height, column_width, back_image, attempts_l
else :
game.matched_pairs += 1 #une paire en plus est trouvée
else :
global SHUFFLE
if (card.power == 1):
special1_2(game, can, playing_window, countdown_label, attempts_label, 1)
elif (card.power == 2):
......@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ def on_click(game, event, can, line_height, column_width, back_image, attempts_l
elif (card.power == 3):
special3(game, can, images_id, list)
elif (card.power == 4):
can.itemconfig(images_id[i][j], image = list[i][j]) # On affiche l'image
elif (card.power == 4 and SHUFFLE == False ):
special4(game, can, list, back_image)
def hide_unmatched_cards(game, can, images_id, card, previous_card, back_image):
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from interface2 import display_main_game_interface
def main():
associate_all_pairs(1) #on fait que pour le theme 1 et 2
player, game = init_player_and_game() #initialise le joueur et la partie
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from parameters_choice_interface import *
def main():
associate_all_pairs(1) #on fait que pour le theme 1 et 2
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def init_player_and_game():
game = Game(level, theme)
return player, game
elif id_level == 4 :
level = Level(id = 4, nb_pairs = 10, nb_row = 4, nb_column = 6)
level = Level(id = 4, nb_pairs = 11, nb_row = 4, nb_column = 6)
game = Game(level, theme)
return player, game
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