@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ You will work in teams. Each team will compete with others to develop the best-p
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ You will work in teams. Each team will compete with others to develop the best-p
In order to have access to a GPU, you will work in a remote computing environment using [MyDocker](https://mydocker.centralesupelec.fr/)(see the [documentation](https://centralesupelec.github.io/mydocker)). You will find on the [Edunao](https://centralesupelec.edunao.com/) webpage of the course the link to access the docker image we prepared for this project.
In order to have access to a GPU, you will work in a remote computing environment using [MyDocker](https://mydocker.centralesupelec.fr/)(see the [documentation](https://centralesupelec.github.io/mydocker)). You will find on the [Edunao](https://centralesupelec.edunao.com/) webpage of the course the link to access the docker image we prepared for this project.
-**Classwork** (does not apply to NumVi students)
For the in-class lab sessions, each group is allowed to start one and one single MyDocker environment. This is because we booked only 1 GPU per group.
For the in-class lab sessions, each group is allowed to start one and one single MyDocker environment. This is because we booked only 1 GPU per group.